Respect at Uni Week
Join us for Respect at Uni Week (31 March to 4 April) to learn about how you can help make university life safer for everyone.
Respect at Uni Week is part of a sector-wide campaign, aimed at promoting a culture of respect, inclusion, and equality to prevent gender-based violence and sexual harm on campus and in our communities.
This week-long campaign is an opportunity to learn about preventing and responding to sexual harm, identify learning opportunities and support services.
Consent and Respectful Relationships online module
Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to establish and maintain healthy relationships built on mutual respect, open communication, and informed consent. Complete during Respect at Uni Week for free giveaways!
Recognise and Respond (to disclosures of sexual harm) 26 March
Join Jo McNamara, a specialist in responses to sexual harm, for an overview of identifying and providing best practice responses to disclosures of sexual harm. Free lunch and prizes will be available for participants!
Become a Confident Bystander 2 April
An active, ethical bystander takes proactive steps to prevent, intervene or help when inappropriate behaviour occurs. Support yourself and others to identify and respond to problematic behaviours. Free lunch and prizes will be available for participants!