2024 Academic Integrity Awareness Week

Academic Integrity and the skills to study, write and cite with integrity are fundamental to your studies, work and the whole University Community.
Academic Integrity Awareness Week will be held from Tuesday 8 October 2024 to Friday 11 October 2024.
This week will be full of informative and fun activities to uphold and refresh your understanding of academic integrity.
This year for the first time, each day highlights a unique theme:
Day 1: Back to Basics and Upskilling (8 October)
Day 2: Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity (9 October)
Day 3: Resilience and Academic Integrity (10 October)
Day 4: Fostering a Culture of Integrity (11 October)
Get involved
- Upskill by signing up for one or several of our face-to-face or online workshops around
- Artificial Intelligence,
- Paraphrasing,
- Exam Preparation (scroll down for sign up links!)
- Grab a free donut at our Pop-Up Hub Info stall, Level 4, Hub Central, 12pm - 2pm Tuesday to Friday and play interactives games with us
- Play our 'Penny and the Pitfalls of Plagiarism' online game to test your knowledge of Academic Integrity
- Watch out for University Social Media throughout the week
Join our online quiz for your chance to win a $50 Master Card voucher
Program for students
Check out the program with registration links and details on each day’s events. If you attend one of the workshops, you'll automatically be entered into a draw to win a $50 Mastercard giftcard!
* Terms and Conditions apply
Online: Paraphrasing Workshop
Tuesday, 8 October, 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Online Workshop
Practical Paraphrasing
Building confidence with paraphrasing a key skill. This session gives you the tips, tricks and practical examples to summarise and effectively paraphrase academic sources.
Online: AI and A.I. Webinar
Wednesday, 9 October, 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Online Webinar
AI and A.I.: Maintaining Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Join us for an enlightening webinar that explores the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity.
Face-to-face: Exam Preparation with Integrity Workshop
Thursday, 10 October 11.00am - 12:30pm
Hughes 111b, North Terrace Campus
Mastering Exam Preparation with Integrity: Strategies for Success
Join us for a focused session on mastering exam preparation while upholding Academic Integrity. FREE PIZZA lunch after.
Program for staff
Online: Interpreting Turnitin Reports Workshop
Wednesday, 9 October, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Online Workshop
ADEPT: Interpreting Turnitin Reports
In this one-hour workshop you will learn to use and interpret Turnitin Similarity and Artificial Intelligence Reports for Academic Integrity and supporting student learning. Bringing together best practice recommendations and insights from recent Academic Integrity cases
Welcome 2024 Academic Integrity Awareness Week.
Penny and the Pitfalls of Plagiarism
Play our funny and educative online game which can be accessed during Academic Integrity Awareness Week.
If something is not clear, just ask!
If you have questions about academic integrity and the expectations in your course, your tutors and academic support services are here to help. Contact your tutor, or make an appointment with the Writing Centre or Maths Learning Centre - they will be happy to answer your questions and make sure you're on the right track.