Studiosity Writing Feedback Plus (WF+) further information for students and staff
Trusted AI writing support
Writing Feedback Plus (WF+) is a University-approved AI tool designed to enhance academic writing skills development. The University provides WF+ for first year undergraduate students to complement our on-campus writing support programs. WF+ has a reduced turnaround time, offering high-quality, ethical feedback within approximately 2 minutes, to ensure faster and more efficient support for first year students while they settle into studies. The Studiosity Writing Feedback (WF) classic service is available for all other students.
Some benefits of this new service
- Fast, easy to use feedback for students.
- Ethical feedback from a trusted provider with an AI system made for higher education.
- No risk of cheating or plagiarism, because it's always the students own work.
- A 'closed system' AI, so students can be confident work remains their own.
- Students can receive feedback on their work as many times as they need.
- Humans remain an integral part of the service through a balance AI with human oversight and intelligence.