Working with Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is Everywhere
AI is everywhere. It's not just about new, innovative tools – it’s in many of the existing tools and services you already use, now upgraded with generative AI assistance.
At the University of Adelaide, we’re committed to embracing this change and integrating AI into our teaching and learning. AI is already influencing your studies, the workplace and will continue to shape how jobs are performed in the future. However, you must ensure your use of AI is permitted and properly acknowledged, particularly when it comes to assessments.
Remember, in assessments, your instructors are assessing your skills and understanding – not what AI can do. The following behaviours are breaches of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy:
- Submitting work produced (or partially produced) by generative AI as your own.
- Using information generated by AI without proper acknowledgment or attribution.
- Using digital tools to submit work that misrepresents your level of competence.
- Using digital tools to disguise plagiarism, collusion, copying, contract cheating, or other forms of academic misconduct.
This includes submitting work created wholly or partially by an AI tool.
How to Use AI Responsibly
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly evolving, and its capabilities are changing, and so our approach will continue to be updated. While we all learn together, the most important thing is to be responsible and transparent in the way you're using AI. Please check out some of the resources below.
Library Guide to Citing and Acknowledging AI
Academic Integrity & Artificial Intelligence Guidelines
Generative AI IT Security Guidelines
Student Case Studies Academic Integrity Breaches using AI
Learn More About Ethical Use of AI
So How Do I Know What's OK?
Check out our updated Guidelines to help you make informed choices about using AI in assessments. Understanding which tools are powered by AI helps you decide what's acceptable. If a tool generates new content from your input or suggests words, images, or ideas, you're likely using AI.
It is your responsibility to make sure you understand how different types of AI or digital tools are changing your work, and to keep drafts of your work to show your progress. This helps your tutors to understand the progress of your learning and whether you have met the learning outcomes.
Depending on your year level, discipline and course, the guidelines about how you can use AI may vary.
If you're unsure about what is ok or whether you can use a particular tool, ask your course coordinator or tutor for advice.
Any questions?
We know that you might have thoughts and questions about the University’s approach to working with artificial intelligence. Ask us a question or give us some feedback to help us build our FAQs!