English Assist Program
The English Assist Program will help you develop your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills for university study.
The University of Adelaide recognises that ongoing academic language development and social engagement are key to student success. The English Assist Program is here to support you.
The English Assist Program is exclusive to international students studying an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree in their first semester of study. There is no obligation to complete the program - it is completely optional. The program is not counted towards your academic transcript, and your activity is not graded or tracked; we like to think of it as a useful resource for non-English speaking background students that will assist your conversational, reading, and writing skills for university study, if you need it.
The Program offers a series of workshops that take place throughout the semester and are designed to assist in the development of communication skills and academic skills in the university context. To register for these workshops, visit our workshops page.