Testamur care for graduates
Congratulations on your achievement! As a graduate, you will receive a testamur in recognition of your award. This is an important and valuable document, so we encourage all graduates to read the information below about how to look after your testamur correctly.
Your testamur reflects your formal inclusion in the records of the University as having been admitted to your award, and shows the details which have been included in the official records of the University. It is not possible for these details to be changed now that you have been conferred into your award, with the exception of ordering a reissue testamur in a new name where applicable (fees apply).
Providing a copy of your testamur to third parties
In many cases, a copy of your Official Academic Transcript will be sufficient proof of your qualification. However, there may be times that your testamur is required to authenticate applications to other educational institutions or professional bodies.
In most cases it will be sufficient for a photocopy of your testamur to be sent, although the original may have to be produced at some time. If, at any time, it is necessary for you to send your testamur by post, you are advised to send it by registered mail. If your testamur is lost, damaged or destroyed, fees apply to order a replacement testamur. Only one copy of your testamur is permitted to be in circulation at any given time, so it is not possible to order additional copies of this document.
There is also an increasing number of institutions and professional bodies accepting digital testamurs that are securely shared through My eQuals. More information can be found below and on our digital documents website.
Framing and storage of your testamur
If you frame your testamur, you should ensure that it is not pasted or glued on to any backing sheet card as this will destroy the seal of the University. It should also be easily removable from the frame for inspection if required. You are also advised not to laminate the document, as this will destroy its integrity and it may no longer be accepted for verification purposes.
Your testamur has been placed in either a plastic wallet or cylinder to protect it temporarily until collected from the University. It is recommended that you do not store your testamur in the wallet for a prolonged period of time. There is evidence that this can lead to deterioration of the document. Please be aware that if you are receiving your testamur In Absentia and do not collect it or pay for postage, it will be stored at the University in the plastic wallet or cylinder for 7 years before it is destroyed.
If your original testamur is lost, destroyed or damaged, you can order a replacement (fees apply). The damaged original testamur must be returned, or a Statutory Declaration stating the loss/destruction of the original document provided, in order for a replacement testamur to be produced.
Digital document information
Following your conferral, you would have been issued with a digital copy of your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) and your Official Academic Transcript in My eQuals. After your selected presentation event you will also be issued with a digital copy of your testamur. It is important that you login to your My eQuals account and link a personal email address to retain access to your documents, otherwise you will lose access to My eQuals when your University of Adelaide account expires (12 months after the completion of your program). Please visit the My eQuals website to login to your account.
You can use My eQuals to view your conferral documents and securely share these with other institutions and prospective employers. More information about My eQuals can be found on the Digital Documents page.