The Student Complaint Resolution Process website provides information and clear steps to assist you in lodging an appeal or making a complaint about a decision or determination made by a member of University staff or related parties who represent or act on behalf of the University, including Education Agents. The Policy provisions around student complaint resolution can be found in the Student Complaint Resolution Policy.
Please note that the former Student Grievance Resolution Process (SGRP) applies for students who wish to appeal a decision that has been made under that Process (prior to 1 January 2024).
The Student Complaint Resolution Policy does not apply for students who have a complaint against an action by a University staff member, another student or group of students involving unacceptable behaviour. If you have an academic or administrative complaint that includes reference to any form of unacceptable behaviour by other students or staff, you can contact the Integrity Unit to report your concerns. You can remain anonymous if you wish.
The University's Student Complaint Resolution Policy and procedures are available to all students at minimal or no cost. If you are an international student, the University is required to maintain your enrolment while your stage 3: Internal University Appeal is ongoing (and in some cases while your external review is ongoing).
Students may withdraw a complaint at any stage.
Students with a complaint may wish to consult with Available Support for advice at any stage of the complaint process. See below:
- Education and Welfare Officers at Student Care
- Counselling Support
- International Student Support
- Disability Support
- Wirltu Yarlu Student Support Officers - for Indigenous students
Pursue your complaint
Access the relevant section below to learn more about how to pursue your complaint.
Academic decisions
Seek a review or appeal a decision, which involves the exercise of academic judgement about a mark or grade or finding of academic misconduct.
Administrative decisions
Appeal a decision or administrative matter or complaint about a University service or facility. This includes an administrative decision about an award or the administration of a scholarship or prize, completion of program, amendment to enrolment and fees, and administration of examinations. This extends to any complaint you may have about your dealings with the University, including the University's education agents or any related party the University has an arrangement with to deliver a program or related service.
Appeal an exclusion from your program for unsatisfactory academic progress.
Research and higher degree students
Appeal a suspension of candidature, thesis examination mark or report of matters of academic/research misconduct.
Misconduct or unacceptable behaviour
Report misconduct or unacceptable behaviour by University staff or students, including bullying, discrimination, victimisation, sexual harassment or sexual assault with the Integrity Unit.
Amendment to Enrolment and Fees
For the Amendment to Enrolment and Fees process, please refer to the special circumstances criteria required for submitting an Amendment to Enrolment and Fees form.
Staff portal
For staff involved, at any stage of a student complaint, please access this button for more information about your role and responsibilities. (staff login access only)
Feedback on your experience with Student Affairs
We value your feedback. Please take our short survey to help us to improve our services and the overall student experience.
Your feedback is strictly confidential.
Any enquiries regarding the Student Complaint Resolution Policy can be directed to the Student Grievance and Conduct Advisors in Student Affairs.