Lodging Your Appeal

Please refer to the below steps in preparation for lodging your appeal. Once your appeal is lodged, a preliminary assessment will be conducted, by Student Affairs, to determine if it has grounds.  

An appeal application will not have grounds, and will be dismissed, if the University believes your complaint is: 

  • unsubstantiated or unverifiable; or
  • misconceived; or
  • not made in good faith; or
  • frivolous, vexatious or unreasonable; or
  • demonstrably false or contains misleading information.

Read the appeal submission guide

Before submitting your appeal application form, you should read the appeal submission guide to ensure your application is complete.

Lodge your appeal application

To lodge your appeal, complete, date and sign the student appeal application online form (word version available here) and submit to Student Affairs. 

You must submit a completed student appeal application form together with all supporting documentation you wish to have considered, within 20 business days of the date of notification of the outcome of the Stage 2: Formal Review, or the notification of a penalty or decision imposed under a Statute, Rule or Policy.

Student Affairs will endeavour to acknowledge your appeal application within two business days.

Assessment of application

If your appeal application is found to have grounds by Student Affairs, the University will attempt to negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution between you and the respondent (e.g. the Head of School or other nominated decision maker delegated with responsibility for dealing with the matter).

When there is mutually agreeable resolution, your appeal comes to an end.

If a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be achieved, your appeal is referred to the Student Complaint Appeals Committee for determination.

Complaint to external review agency

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your appeal, you are able to make a complaint to an external review agency. You are able to do this at any stage of the process.

A number of external agencies may be able to assist, depending on your type of complaint.


Any enquiries regarding the Student Complaint Resolution Policy can be directed to the Student Grievance and Conduct Advisors in Student Affairs.

Contact Student Affairs