AGC e-News #08, 17 September 2018
Published: 17 September 2018
In this edition:
- Major Scholarship and Admission Round Closes 31 October 2018
- University of Adelaide Three Minute Thesis Final
- 2018 Annual Review of Progress
- CaRST Online - New Look and Features!
- APR Internship Opportunities
- The Core Component of the Structured Program (CCSP) is Now Online
- Planning a PhD in 2019 in Clinical or Scientific Medical Research?
- Hans-Jürgen and Marianne Ohff Research Grants
- Naomi Cumming Prize for Postgraduate Music Research
- Joanna Briggs Institute Foundation Fellows Presentations
- GRADE Workshop - Joanna Briggs Institute
- News Corp Digital Subscription For All Staff and Students
- Barossa Regional Outlook Conference
- The Capstone Editing Grant for Professional Thesis Editing
- Respect. Now. Always.
- Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
- Free and Confidential Disability Service
Major Scholarship and Admission Round Closes 31 October 2018
Applications for admission and scholarship for Masters by Research and PhD programs commencing in the first half of 2019 are open from 1 September to 31 October 2018.
All applications for the Major Round for domestic applicants must be submitted through the University's HDR online application system.
University of Adelaide Three Minute Thesis Final
Congratulations to the ten University Three Minute Thesis (3MT) finalists who presented their research to the public as part of the Research Tuesdays series on 11 September 2018. The eventual winner was Bernard Evans from the Adelaide Medical School with his presentation “What Dragonflies can Teach us About Motion Adaptation”. Bernard also took out the People’s Choice Award. A third prize, the ThincLab Award, was awarded to Chidozie Alozie from the School of Education for his presentation “The New Problem We All Live With”. Bernard now has the opportunity to compete at the final of the Asia-Pacific 3MT competition in Brisbane. The final will be streamed live so you can support Bernard by visiting the 2018 Asia-Pacific 3MT website on 27 September 2018. Good luck Bernard!
2018 Annual Review of Progress
By now students who are required to complete the 2018 Annual Review of Progress will have received an automated email containing instructions on the process and how to access the online form. If you did not receive an email but you have a 2018 Annual Review of Progress milestone (check your research candidature record in Access Adelaide for confirmation), please:
- Check your spam folder
- Check to ensure mail forwarding is set up from your University of Adelaide email address to your preferred email address (where applicable); and
If you are still unable to locate the email:
- Contact the Adelaide Graduate Centre.
Remember, it is your responsibility to ensure that the Annual Review is completed and submission to the Graduate Centre (not just your supervisor) achieved by 31 October or an alternative approved due date. In a change from last year, please note that co- and external supervisors will have one week from the time the Annual Review is assigned to them to enter a comment/assessment before the workflow moves onto the School Approver for final evaluation. For further information, please see the Adelaide Graduate Centre’s website.
CaRST Online - New Look and Features!
We are excited to announce new tools in CaRST Online to help HDRs achieve the skills and results they want from their graduate program and for their future career. With the introduction of online skills assessment and development planning, CaRST Online is now a completely centralised and paperless platform for all CaRST program requirements.
Supervisors and Postgraduate Coordinators are also able to view their students’ progress and development goals in real-time, promoting timely feedback and greater transparency of HDR student development. For more information about these changes, visit the CaRST Online FAQ page.
APR Internship Opportunities
APR Internships provide an invaluable opportunity for research students to utilise their technical skills and knowledge to help industry address challenges they face. APR.Intern has announced a new internship opportunity with VeroGuard and have extended their application deadline for the opportunity below with Wiring Solutions Plus:
VeroGuard is offering a 4-month internship opportunity in Adelaide, SA
Project title: Lattice Cryptography…can it Secure a Post-Quantum Computing World?
This internship will focus on current theories around quantum computing to determine if lattice problems and lattice-based encryption are solvable in polynomial time on a quantum computer. For the full project details, and information on how to apply, please visit the APR.Intern website. This opportunity closes on 19 September 2018.
Wiring Solutions Plus is offering a 3 month internship in Underdale, Adelaide SA
Project title: Scoping of an Automated Request for Quotation System for Bespoke Products
Wiring Solutions Plus is seeking to automate their request for quotation systems via the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning approaches. For more detailed information and to apply for this opportunity, please visit the APR.Intern website. This opportunity closes on 26 September 2018
If you are interested in these opportunities, please contact David Beecham (APR.Intern) for more information by email or by telephone 0490 124 374.
The Core Component of the Structured Program (CCSP) is Now Online
All staff and students are reminded that the CCSP online form went live in June 2018. The online form as well as information on how to complete it can be accessed via the Adelaide Graduate Centre website. Paper CCSP forms will no longer be accepted.
Planning a PhD in 2019 in Clinical or Scientific Medical Research?
The Hospital Research Foundation have opened a new round of scholarships for 2019 PhD commencers valued at $32,000p/a. Apply now!
The closing date is 4pm Friday 12 October 2018.
For further information, please visit the Hospital Research Foundation website.
Supervisors and Postgraduate Coordinators, please spread the word to prospective students.
Hans-Jürgen and Marianne Ohff Research Grants
These grants have been established by Hans-Jürgen and Marianne Ohff to support postgraduate research students to undertake study and/or fieldwork at a German-speaking university or research institution.
Students enrolled in postgraduate research programs at the University of Adelaide and who have had their candidature confirmed, are eligible to apply for Grants. Activities funded by the Grant may include:
Research field work or a short study program
Internships and related industry placements
Conference presentations and attendance
Selection will be made on the basis of academic merit, purpose of requested Grant, essential nature of the travel to the scholar's research project, expected outcomes, reason for choosing particular University or institution, and how the Grant would strengthen links between the host institution and University of Adelaide. Rules and the application form can be found on the Scholarships website.
Applications close on 2 November 2018. Applicants for this round of grants must intend to travel during the first half of 2019. Any enquires regarding the grants can be directed to the Scholarships Team.
Naomi Cumming Prize for Postgraduate Music Research
Is your research topic related in any way to music? If it is, consider presenting your work at a cross-disciplinary Research Day and be in the running for the 2018 Naomi Cumming Prize for Postgraduate Research. Both the Research Day and Prize are sponsored by the Musicological Society of Australia / SA Chapter.
Joanna Briggs Institute Foundation Fellows Presentations
All staff and students are invited to attend the presentations of our 2018 Joanna Briggs Institute Foundation Fellows on Thursday 13 December. The Fellows are health professionals of outstanding merit from low to lower-middle income countries (LMIC) who were selected from hundreds of applications for fully sponsored places in the JBI Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program. Registration is FREE, but places are limited. Register on Eventbrite as soon as possible, and for the program details for this unique opportunity to hear presentations of JBI’s Foundation Fellows from Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi and Papua New Guinea.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Joanna Briggs Institute.
GRADE Workshop - Joanna Briggs Institute
The JBI Adelaide one-day GRADE workshop is designed for systematic reviewers, guideline developers and others wanting to learn more about GRADE methodology, particularly the creation of Summary of Findings tables and Evidence Profiles. The next workshop will commence 2 November 2018. There is a 50% discount for University of Adelaide staff and students. For more information please visit the Joanna Briggs Institute website.
News Corp Digital Subscription For All Staff and Students
University of Adelaide staff and students now have unlimited access to the latest news through a free News Corp digital subscription. The subscription covers online access to The Australian, The Advertiser and Sunday Mail (adelaidenow) and other News Corp news sites. Use your staff log in details to sign up.
Barossa Regional Outlook Conference
Registrations are open for the ABARES Barossa Regional Outlook conference on Wednesday 26 September 2018. At this free conference we will explore the current issues for agriculture at sessions focused on Creating value in an increasingly connected world; Technology: changing the way we do agriculture and Farming in a changing environment.
Come and meet local and industry speakers and discuss a range of issues including the latest commodity data and economic trends, climate and weather trends, using technology to improve on-farm decisions, and more at the region’s leading agriculture focused conference - the Barossa Regional Outlook conference. Bring your colleagues and clients - it is a great staff development and training opportunity. Register now for free.
The Capstone Editing Grant for Professional Thesis Editing
This grant provides free thesis editing for one Masters student and one PhD student per year. There is no limit on the amount of words in the thesis that we will edit (so long as the thesis meets the students’ departments’ word limit). It just needs to be a thesis written for a postgraduate degree for an Australian or New Zealand university. The recipients then have up to 12 months to make use of our thesis editing service.
The closing date is 31 October 2018. Further details are available from the Capstone Editing website.
Respect. Now. Always.
The University seeks to promote an inclusive, respectful and fair environment for all people whilst engaged in University-related activities. A range of services are available to assist students who have safety concerns or have experienced bullying, sexual harassment or assault. For further information, help, or to report an incident, please visit the Safer Campus Community website.
As a student of the University, you can help to keep your campus safe by looking out for your own safety, and the safety of others and by conducting yourself in a manner consistent with the Student Charter. Remember that unacceptable behaviours such as Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Victimisation are not tolerated at the University.
Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
Did you know that as a Postgraduate Student you are entitled to access counselling services provided to students at The University of Adelaide. To find out more information visit the Counselling Centre website.
Free and Confidential Disability Service
As a Postgraduate Student you are also eligible for assistance from the Disability Service if you have a disability or ongoing medical condition. Information about the nature of your disability is not disclosed – information obtained from you about the functional impact of the disability is shared with academic staff solely for the purpose of assisting you with your studies. Details relating to the Disability Service and the on line registration process can be found on the Disability website.
Useful resources for staff can be found at the staff section of the Disability website.