Student testimonial

Maggie Paul - PhD in Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Decolonising migration discourse in India
Across the globe, the echoes of colonialism persist, continuing to deeply affect lives
and shape the present. In India, nearly 2 million people face challenges like
uncertain citizenship status and potential detainment––complex issues stemming
from colonial-era policies.
Through fieldwork in Mumbai and by examining the political history of economic
migration between Bangladesh and India, Maggie’s research is pushing back against
the idea that migration amounts to ‘infiltration’. In questioning this narrative, she is
demonstrating the urgent need for change in some of India’s citizenship and
migration policies.
It is important and heavy work, but Maggie says her mentors and new friends have
helped lighten the load. “The support of the University’s administrative staff right from
the beginning was invaluable for an international student such as me,” she said.
“And the friends I have made in Adelaide are the most precious gift; everyone is
extremely generous, relaxed and full of humour.”