Semester 1 Induction - BHI Precinct - Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences HDR Induction Sessions
- Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Location: Basil Hetzel Institute, Ground Floor Lecture Theatre
- More information: Register Here
- Email:

On behalf of the FHMS Postgraduate Coordinators, we would like to welcome you to our programs and community. We will be hosting 3 induction sessions at different precincts for those who have recently enrolled and also welcome the few that missed the induction session held late last year. The same information is presented at each session so please attend the one that is the most convenient for you. A zoom option is available for those who are unable to attend in person.Attendance at the Faculty induction is not only a University requirement but also a great opportunity to meet your peers and local PGCs that are available to attend.
The induction session will provide an overview on:
• roles and responsibilities of the PGC, supervisors and you as a student
• milestones, presentations
• registering training through the CaRST system
• University supports available to you throughout your candidature