Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics HDR Student Induction Session - Semester 1
- Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
- Location: Ligertwood 231 Lecture theatre
- Cost: Free
- More information: Registration link
- Email: agrsfacultysupp@adelaide.edu.au

This in person Higher Degree by Research Induction is for all commencing (2024 and late 2023) Higher Degree by Research candidates in the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law, and Economics (ABLE), covering Faculty specific information.
You are encouraged to attend this event as it is in addition to the induction offered by the Adelaide Graduate Research School.
Key elements of the Higher Degree by Research journey will be discussed and provide candidates with an opportunity to meet Postgraduate Coordinators (PGCs) and network with fellow candidates across the entire Faculty.
Recently enrolled candidates as well as those unable to attend previous inductions are encouraged to attend.
You will earn 2 CaRST credits in Domain A for attending and participating at this event.
*Refreshments will be provided
Please find the details of the session and a link to register below.