AGC e-News #05, 19 June 2018
Published: 19 June 2018
In this edition:
- Fulbright Scholarships for Australians - Applications Close Soon
- Westpac Postgraduate Scholarship - Applications Now Open
- Eligibility for Conferral in July 2018
- Capstone Editing’s Available Scholarships and Grants
- Bright Arena Internship Opportunity - Extended Deadline
- Are You Planning on Submitting Your Thesis for Examination Soon?
- EMBL Australia 2018 Postgraduate Symposium
- Reminder: Online Core Component of the Structured Program (CCSP)
- The Integrated Bridging Program - Research (IBP-R)
- Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
- Free and Confidential Disability Service
Fulbright Scholarships for Australians - Applications Close Soon
For U.S. study and research opportunities for all academic levels.
The newest program: Fulbright Future Scholarships offer funding for full tuition/visiting researcher fees at any U.S. institution, as well as travel and living costs. Future Scholarships are open to postgraduate students who propose innovative research projects with potential for significant impact.
For more information on our new Fulbright Future Scholarships and other postgraduate awards available, please:
Visit the Fulbright webpage
- View the Australian-American Fulbright Scholarships 2018 Webinar
- View the University of Adelaide's Information Session
For more information, please email the Fulbright Commission.
Applications close 15 July 2018.
Westpac Postgraduate Scholarship - Applications Now Open
Applications are now open for the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship; a unique postgraduate scholarship program supporting outstanding individuals who have a drive and ideas to shape Australia through their work and studies.
Valued up to $120,000 over 2-3 years, the scholarship includes a nine month leadership development program, opportunities to gain global experience, and access to extensive networks through the Westpac 100 Scholars Network.
Read about how Tiffany De Sousa Machado is using her Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship to investigate how bringing new mothers and older women together can be of mutual benefit.
If you’re commencing a postgraduate degree in 2019, apply before 5 September 2018.
Contact Rosie Wilkes to discuss your application further.
Eligibility for Conferral in July 2018
We would like to remind all students that to be eligible for conferral at the next available conferral date you must satisfy the following conditions by the relevant deadlines:
- Have confirmed that an auto-application for conferral has been generated for you on Access Adelaide, or, if required, have manually applied for conferral by the Application Deadline;
- Have qualified for the award of your degree, lodged your required Final Digital Thesis and AHEGS Abstract with the Graduate Centre and completed the Online Exit Survey - by 5:00pm Wednesday, 18 July 2018;
- Have resolved any outstanding debts to the University by the BPAY Deadline;
- Have checked your application in Access Adelaide and ensured that the details of the award to be conferred on you are correct, by the Anomalies Deadline;
- Have nominated the Graduation Ceremony you wish to attend in Access Adelaide (or recorded that you wish to receive your parchment in absentia), by the relevant deadline specified in Access Adelaide.
More information on the requirements and relevant deadlines for the July 2018 conferral is available on the Graduating from Adelaide website.
Capstone Editing’s Available Scholarships and Grants
Capstone Editing has extended the closing dates for our grants for postgraduate students and female academics.
These annual grants provide funding of between $3,000 and $5,000 each.
Please see the available grants below for further information:
- The Capstone Editing Early Career Academic Research Grant for Women
- The Capstone Editing Carer's Travel Grant for Academic Women
- The Capstone Editing Conference Travel Grant for Postgraduate Research Students
- The Capstone Editing Laptop Grant for Postgraduate Coursework Students
- The Capstone Editing Textbook Grant for Undergraduates
- The Capstone Editing Research Scholarship for Honours Students
Bright Arena Internship Opportunity - Extended Deadline
Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR Intern) have secured $28 Million from the Federal Government to help postgraduate research students engage with industry via paid internships.
APR Intern are offering a paid internship opportunity with Bright Arena commencing in July 2018. Applications close this Sunday, 24 June 2018.
Students in this opportunity will work with Bright Arena to research and create a proto-business around synthetic faecal matter transplants (FMTs) for chemotherapy patients. Along with validating the idea technically, the project requires the validation of the business model around the technology. Students will learn start-up and entrepreneurial methods as well as provide input in the development of the product based on this knowledge.
Internships of 3-5 months provide an invaluable opportunity for postgraduate research students to utilise their technical skills and knowledge to help industry address challenges they face or to realise an opportunity.
If you are currently undertaking your PhD and would like to find out more about this opportunity, please contact David Beecham, Business Development for South Australia via phone on 0490 124 374 or email. Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents.
For further information and to apply now, please visit the APRIntern website.
Are You Planning on Submitting Your Thesis for Examination Soon?
The Adelaide Graduate Centre would like to remind all students finalising their thesis to check the Program Rules as well as the Specifications for Thesis.
In particular, you are reminded to ensure that the declaration you are including in your thesis is correct and up-to-date depending on whether you have included a publication or not, and that you have signed the declaration statement in both the printed and the digital versions of you thesis. Thesis declaration statements can be found at the Preparing for Thesis Submission page of the Adelaide Graduate Centre's website.
EMBL Australia 2018 Postgraduate Symposium
The EMBL Australia 2018 Postgraduate Symposium Committee would like to invite all research students to attend the 2018 EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium on Wednesday 28th - Friday 30th November 2018 at Translational Research Institute, Brisbane Australia.
EAPS brings together students from a broad range of disciplines around Australia and is a great opportunity to showcase your work in an open and friendly environment. We welcome all levels of research students; Honours, Masters and PhD.
A range of travel and accommodation bursaries are on offer. Registration and abstract submission is now open.
Early Bird Registrations & Travel Grant Applications closes Friday 24th August Abstract Submission closes Friday 31st August.
For more information, or to register please visit the EAPS18 website.
Reminder: Online Core Component of the Structured Program (CCSP)
A reminder that the CCSP is now available as an online form. All students, supervisors and School Approvers are now required to use the online CCSP form, as of 15 June 2018.
Access to the online form and further information about its functionality is available on our website, and emails sent from the system to advise that the CCSP is due to be completed will also contain a link to the new system.
The Integrated Bridging Program - Research (IBP-R)
We are in the final stage of our lecture and seminar series for Program 1, 2018. The last round of Practice Oral Presentations have been delivered. All students presented high quality presentations of their research proposals. Some were very much works in progress whilst others were closer to finalisation, depending upon the various CCSP dates and whether topics had changed.
Once again, the significant level of development which occurs in the first few months of a student’s candidature, has been apparent. This group of students will continue after this for a little longer, with the final round of consults taking place in July and August. Then students will be completed from the program.
Meanwhile we are very busy gearing up for the next program which commences in late July.
Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
Did you know that as a Postgraduate Student you are entitled to access counselling services provided to students at The University of Adelaide. To find out more information visit the Counselling Centre website.
Free and Confidential Disability Service
As a Postgraduate Student you are also eligible for assistance from the Disability Service if you have a disability or ongoing medical condition. Information about the nature of your disability is not disclosed – information obtained from you about the functional impact of the disability is shared with academic staff solely for the purpose of assisting you with your studies. Details relating to the Disability Service and the on line registration process can be found on the Disability website.
Useful resources for staff can be found at the staff section of the Disability website.