AGC e-News #07, 21 August 2018
Published: 21 August 2018
In this edition:
- Rhodes Scholarships - Closing Soon
- Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship - Closing Soon
- Hans-Jurgen and Marianne Ohff Research Grants
- APR Internship Opportunities - Federal Government
- APR Internship Opportunities - Industry
- GRADE Workshop - Joanna Briggs Institute
- EMBL Australia 2018 Postgraduate Symposium - Registrations Closing Soon
- 2018 National NDIS Conference and 2018 National Indigenous Juvenile Justice Conference and Call for Papers for 2019 Conferences
- 9th Annual Biomed Link Conference - Registrations Closing Soon
- MedTech's Got Talent Boot Camp Workshop 2018 - SA
- Integrated Bridging Program-Research
- Respect. Now. Always.
- Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
- Free and Confidential Disability Service
Rhodes Scholarships - Closing Soon
Do you know an outstanding domestic Honours student? We are seeking students with energy, courage and commitment to deliver positive impact on the world. Encourage them to apply for the Rhodes scholarships for graduate study in all fields at the University of Oxford. Application deadline is 14 September 2018. For more information please visit the Rhodes Trust website, watch the Q&A session, or contact Rosie Wilkes.
Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship - Closing Soon
Will you be supervising an outstanding domestic postgraduate student in 2019? A Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship includes a nine month leadership development program, global experiences, and access to extensive networks. Valued up to $120,000* over 2-3 years. There are two up for grabs for the University of Adelaide. Apply by 5 September 2018 or for further information contact Rosie Wilkes.
Hans-Jurgen and Marianne Ohff Research Grants
These grants have been established by Hans-Jürgen & Marianne Ohff to support postgraduate research students to undertake study and/or fieldwork at a German-speaking university or research institution.
Students enrolled in postgraduate research programs at the University of Adelaide and who have had their candidature confirmed, are eligible to apply for Grants. Activities funded by the Grant may include:
Research field work or a short study program
Internships and related industry placements
Conference presentations and attendance
Selection will be made on the basis of academic merit, purpose of requested Grant, essential nature of the travel to the scholar's research project, expected outcomes, reason for choosing particular University or institution, and how the Grant would strengthen links between the host institution and University of Adelaide. Rules and the application form can be found on the Scholarships website.
Applications close on 2 November 2018. Applicants for this round of grants must intend to travel during the first half of 2019. Any enquires regarding the grants can be directed to the Scholarships Team.
APR Internship Opportunities - Federal Government
Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) has secured $28 Million from the Federal Government to help postgraduate research students engage with industry via paid internships. Internships provide an invaluable opportunity for postgraduate research students to utilise their technical skills and knowledge to help industry address challenges they face.
APR.Intern has announced internship opportunities with the Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and have extended their application deadline for several opportunities below:
Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) is offering 20+ new internships in ACT, WA, VIC and SA. DST is the Australian Government’s lead agency responsible for applying science and technology to safeguard Australia and its national interests. For more detailed information on the projects and to apply for the opportunities, please visit the APR.Intern website. These opportunities close on 12 September 2018.
Australian Bureau of Statistics is offering a 3 month internship opportunity with national locations (Canberra preferred). The project will be on the application of statistical relational learning to graph-based entity resolution. For more detailed information and to apply for this opportunity, please visit the APR.Intern website. This opportunity closes on 29 August 2018.
If you are currently undertaking your PhD and are interested in these opportunities, please visit the APR.Intern website or contact APR.Intern for more information.
APR Internship Opportunities - Industry
Wiring Solutions Plus is offering a 3 month internship in Underdale, Adelaide SA - Scoping of an Automated Request for Quotation System for Bespoke Products. Wiring Solutions Plus is seeking to automate their request for quotation systems via the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning approaches. For more detailed information and to apply for this opportunity, please visit the APR.Intern website. This opportunity closes on 29 August 2018 (extended from the closing date of 15 August).
Regional Development Australia: Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island is offering a 3 month internship in Strathalbyn or Adelaide, SA - Development of a Middle East Trade and Investment Strategy: Three Country Analysis: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. RDA builds partnerships between governments, regional development organisations, local businesses, community groups and key regional stakeholders to provide strategic and targeted responses to economic, environmental and social issues affecting the regions of Australia. The RDA is wanting to develop a Middle East Trade and Investment Strategy. For more detailed information and to apply for this opportunity, please visit the APR.Intern website. This opportunity closes on 29 August 2018 (extended from the closing date of 15 August).
Resolution Systems is offering a 3 month internship in Adelaide, SA - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Techniques. This internship will focus on advanced diagnostics of mining truck breakdowns through the application of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning techniques. For more detailed information and to apply for this opportunity, please visit the APR.Intern website. This opportunity closes on 29 August 2018 (extended from the closing date of 15 August).
If you are currently undertaking your PhD and are interested in these opportunities, please visit the APR.Intern website or contact APR.Intern for more information.
GRADE Workshop - Joanna Briggs Institute
The JBI Adelaide 1-day GRADE workshop is designed for systematic reviewers, guideline developers and others wanting to learn more about GRADE methodology, particularly the creation of Summary of Findings tables and Evidence Profiles. The next workshop will commence 2 November 2018. There is a 50% discount for University of Adelaide Staff and Students. For more information please visit the Joanna Briggs Institute website.
EMBL Australia 2018 Postgraduate Symposium - Registrations Closing Soon
The EMBL Australia 2018 Postgraduate Symposium Committee would like to invite all research students to attend the 2018 EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium on Wednesday 28th - Friday 30th November 2018 at Translational Research Institute, Brisbane Australia.
EAPS brings together students from a broad range of disciplines around Australia and is a great opportunity to showcase your work in an open and friendly environment. We welcome all levels of research students; Honours, Masters and PhD.
A range of travel and accommodation bursaries are on offer. Registration and abstract submission is now open.
Early Bird Registrations & Travel Grant Applications closes Friday 24th August Abstract Submission closes Friday 31st August.
For more information see the attached flyer, or to register please visit the EAPS18 website.
2018 National NDIS Conference and 2018 National Indigenous Juvenile Justice Conference and Call for Papers for 2019 Conferences
The 2018 National NDIS Conference and 2018 National Indigenous Juvenile Justice Conference will be held at the river city Brisbane in Queensland on the 11th – 13th December this year. The 1st National NDIS Conference: Doing It Our Way is designed to provide organisations, service managers and front line workers in the disability sector the opportunity to network, discuss and share information For further information visit the conference website.
The 2018 National Indigenous Juvenile Justice Conference is based upon an approach of “Prevention is better than Cure” which require collaborative partnership between all stakeholders working together to support First Nations communities in addressing all forms of juvenile justice issues. For further information visit the conference website.
Indigenous Conference Services (Australia) is now calling for papers for a range of 2019 Indigenous conferences. Please submit your entry online at the Indigenous Conference Services website.
9th Annual Biomed Link Conference - Registrations Closing Soon
We would formally like to invite your scientific and clinical research students to participate in the 9th Annual Biomed Link Conference on the 23rd of November 2018 in Melbourne. This conference is organised annually by the Biomed Link Committee and provides biomedical students with an opportunity to present their work to peers in an open and friendly environment comprised of other students.
Registration is free and only open to students that are enrolled under a biomedical-related course and/or undertaking a research project in a field of biomedical research. This event is for Undergraduate, Honours, Masters and PhD students across the country. Registration closes on 7 September 2018. Participants can register at the conference website.
We have a limited number of travel awards to support interstate students with travel and accommodation; please email our committee for more details.
MedTech's Got Talent Boot Camp Workshop 2018 - SA
This boot camp is being run by the Actuator and the Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP).The boot camp workshop provides an introductory overview of the various constituents of the commercialisation trajectory of medical technologies.
To register for the boot camp, please visit Eventbrite or, for more information, see the attached flyer.
Integrated Bridging Program-Research
Most Program 1 students have now completed their program with us, and many have already submitted their CCSP component. This is the first group to submit online so it will be interesting to get feedback on how it all goes.
Meanwhile recent arrivals have settled into our mid-year program after sorting out housing, child care, schooling (where relevant), as well as getting a start on their HDR programs. So, of course life is busy and mid-winter is testing everyone but most seem pleased with having the opportunity to develop extended collegiate relationships as well as enhanced communication skills. We look forward to getting to know everyone more in the coming months.
Carmel Nicholas, Education Program Manager.
Respect. Now. Always.
The University seeks to promote an inclusive, respectful and fair environment for all people whilst engaged in University-related activities. A range of services are available to assist students who have safety concerns or have experienced bullying, sexual harassment or assault. For further information, help, or to report an incident, please visit the Safer Campus Community website.
As a student of the University, you can help to keep your campus safe by looking out for your own safety, and the safety of others and by conducting yourself in a manner consistent with the Student Charter. Remember that unacceptable behaviours such as Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Victimisation are not tolerated at the University.
Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
Did you know that as a Postgraduate Student you are entitled to access counselling services provided to students at The University of Adelaide. To find out more information visit the Counselling Centre website.
Free and Confidential Disability Service
As a Postgraduate Student you are also eligible for assistance from the Disability Service if you have a disability or ongoing medical condition. Information about the nature of your disability is not disclosed – information obtained from you about the functional impact of the disability is shared with academic staff solely for the purpose of assisting you with your studies. Details relating to the Disability Service and the on line registration process can be found on the Disability website.
Useful resources for staff can be found at the staff section of the Disability website.