AGC e-News #07 - 23/07/2019
Published: 23 July 2019
In this edition:
- New Conferral Date for HDR students
- Responsible Conduct of Research Policy
- University of Adelaide Industry PhD (UAiPhD) Program - Seeking New Supervisors
- Scholarship Opportunities
- PhD Industry Placements and Scholarships Information Session
- The American Chemical Society Is Coming to the University of Adelaide
- Visualise Your Thesis Competition
- Adelaide University Postgraduate Society AGM
- JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP)
- iCaRST
- New University Services
- Respect. Now. Always.
- Free, Independent and Confidential Counselling Service
- Free and Confidential Disability Service
New Conferral Date for HDR Students
A new conferral date of 30 September 2019 has been added by the University’s Graduations Office. This additional conferral means that completing students will not have to wait until 31 December 2019 for the Semester 2 conferral to use their degree.
Students whose examinations complete prior to the deadlines as outlined on the Graduations website will be eligible for this new conferral in September 2019 and to attend a graduation ceremony in 2020. Any queries about your examination should be directed to the Graduate Centre and any queries relating to the conferral should be directed to the Graduations Office.
Responsible Conduct of Research Policy
The Responsible Conduct of Research Policy and accompanying Research Misconduct Procedure were approved by the Vice-Chancellor on Thursday 6 June 2019 and came into effect on 1 July 2019; both documents are available on the policies website. The policy implements the 2018 version of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. For more information on the 2018 Code, visit the Office of Research Ethics, Compliance and Integrity website.
University of Adelaide Industry PhD (UAiPhD) program - Seeking New Supervisors
The University of Adelaide Industry PhD (UAiPhD) is a 4 year program in which the research project and industry placement are developed in collaboration between the industry partner and the University supervisors. Projects have an industry focus while complying with the University’s usual requirements for a PhD program. In addition, the program includes the completion of a 6 month industry placement together with selected Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) and industry development activities.
If you are interested in this program please visit the Industry Scholarships & Opportunities webpage or email HDR Industry Enquiries for more information.
Scholarship Opportunities
Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) Program and Scholarship
IEP scholarships are now available to support eligible domestic and international students who wish to undertake an industry placement. The IEP involves participation in an industry placement of 1-3 months (FTE) in duration, together with the completion of a number of Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) and other professional development activities. Completion of the IEP, including the compulsory CaRST credit courses, will be reflected as a statement on the academic transcript.
For further information about this program, including the application process, please visit the Industry Scholarships & Opportunities website.
APR Internship Opportunities
The University of Adelaide has partnered with APR.Intern to expand the range of placement opportunities available to our PhD students. At this time, we have 12 exciting opportunities available. APR.Intern facilitates short term 3-5 month placements for students to apply their research expertise to projects while gaining invaluable industry experience.
For further information please visit the Industry Placement and Internship Opportunities webpage.
Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship Now Open
The Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship is a unique postgraduate scholarship program supporting outstanding individuals who have a drive and ideas to shape Australia’s future. Valued up to $120,000* over 2-3 years, the scholarship includes a nine month leadership development program, opportunities to gain global experience, and access to extensive networks. If you’re commencing a PhD or Masters by Coursework at the University of Adelaide in 2020, apply before 4 September 2019. To read about the Westpac Scholar Matilda Handsley-Davis’ experience please visit the Adelaide Impact website. For more information, please view the Westpac Scholars website or email Project Officer Rosie Wilkes.
* PhD students may also receive the RTP scholarship in addition to the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship, providing value of over $200,000 collectively.
Rhodes Scholarships Now Open
Rhodes Scholarships are now open for 2020, for exceptional all-round students to undertake 2 years of postgraduate study at the University of Oxford. Scholars are selected on the basis of their exceptional intellect, character, leadership and commitment to service. Must be an Australian citizen. Please contact our team at the University of Adelaide to discuss making an application. Applications close on 13 September 2019.
For further information, please visit the Rhodes Trust website, the University of Adelaide website or view the Rhodes Trust Q & A session.
PhD Industry Placements and Scholarships Information Session
Are you looking for an opportunity to apply your research knowledge in a non-academic environment, as well as enhance your workplace skills and build industry networks and contacts? If so, then you are invited to attend an information session to learn about the University of Adelaide's industry placement and scholarship programs. It would be great to see you there:
Date: Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Room: Engineering Sth S111
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
The information session is an opportunity to discuss details and answer questions about the University’s new Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) program, as well as other programs such as internships offered externally through APR.Intern.
Space is limited. If you wish to attend please RSVP to HDR Industry Enquiries by 1 August 2019 to ensure you have a seat available. For more information on our Industry programs and placements please view the Industry Scholarships & Opportunities webpage.
The American Chemical Society Is Coming to the University of Adelaide
This event is happening on 25 July 2019, 8:30am -12:15pm, in the G04 lecture theatre, Napier Building, North Terrace Campus. It is open to all researchers and students of science, and is free of charge. Please see the attached flyer for details of the day and speakers for the event. Please register your interest at the ACS on Campus website.
Visualise Your Thesis Competition
Final days to apply for the Visualise Your Thesis competition! Entries close 28 July 2019. Dust off your creative spark and hone your communication skills by presenting your research in a 60-second audio-visual display and you could win $1000. The competition is open to all current University of Adelaide higher degree by research students. New online training and one-on-one sessions are now available to help you bring your vision to life.
Adelaide University Postgraduate Society AGM
Tired of being stuck at a computer or in a lab? Want to improve life for postgraduate students on campus with a whole lot of free, easy money? Come along to the Adelaide University Postgraduate Society AGM on 2 August 2019 at 5:30 PM. The task is quick, but important! 95% of the time will be spent eating free pizza, 5% of the time will be spent electing a new committee. If you’d like to nominate for the committee, simply turn up on the day and say so. The roles are extremely flexible; you can invest as much or as little time as you want. The available positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and general committee members. Even if you do not wish to nominate yourself, you are welcome to just come along, vote and enjoy the free food! Please see our flyer for more information.
JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP)
Are you interested in learning how to do a systematic review of literature? The JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP) enables participants to learn how to conduct robust systematic reviews of different evidence types in order to provide the strongest possible evidence to inform decision making or clinical guidelines in healthcare. A one, three or five-day program is available, depending on your research needs or areas of interest, commencing 12 August and 18 November 2019. For further information, and to register, please visit the CSRTP webpage.
iCaRST Program 2 commences this week with a new group of students. The students will undertake an initial orientation program and a research communication task. The program will then move into a series of seminars and lectures, to be followed later with consultations. We look forward to meeting the new group. Further information regarding iCaRST can be found on the iCaRST website.
New University Services
Post Office Document Services
The University post office now provides a full range of document services, from basic copying, printing and scanning to high volume or wide format colour printing, overprinting, digital archiving and official translating. For further information, please contact the University of Adelaide Post Office.
Large-Format Scanner Now Available
A large-format scanner is now available for use in the Barr Smith Library. The scanner is available to all staff and students, and can scan documents up to B0 size. For more information, or to make an appointment to use the scanner, please visit the University Library website.
Self-Service Library Trial at Waite Campus
The Waite Campus Library will begin a trial self-service library initiative in Semester 2, 2019. Beginning Monday 29 July 2019, the library will require University ID card access for students and staff. Opening hours remain the same. While Ask Library staff will not be located within the library, they will be available to provide assistance via phone, email and chat. For full details, please visit the Self-Service Library webpage.
Respect. Now. Always.
The University seeks to promote an inclusive, respectful and fair environment for all people whilst engaged in University-related activities. A range of services are available to assist students who have safety concerns or have experienced bullying, sexual harassment or assault. For further information, help, or to report an incident, please visit the Safer Campus Community website.
As a student of the University, you can help to keep your campus safe by looking out for your own safety, and the safety of others and by conducting yourself in a manner consistent with the Student Charter. Remember that unacceptable behaviours such as Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Victimisation are not tolerated at the University.
Free, independent and confidential Counselling Service
Did you know that as a Postgraduate Student you are entitled to access counselling services provided to students at The University of Adelaide. To find out more information visit the Counselling Centre website.
Free and confidential Disability Service
As a Postgraduate Student you are also eligible for assistance from the Disability Service if you have a disability or ongoing medical condition. Information about the nature of your disability is not disclosed – information obtained from you about the functional impact of the disability is shared with academic staff solely for the purpose of assisting you with your studies. Details relating to the Disability Service and the on line registration process can be found on the Disability website.
Useful resources for staff can be found at the staff section of the Disability website.