Nominations now open for HDR Supervisory Practice Awards

Nominations are now open for the University of Adelaide's annual Awards for Learning and Teaching! These awards recognise teaching staff that enhance the learning and research experience of UoA students. The University offers two institutional awards to staff involved in HDR supervision:


  1. Stephen Cole the Elder Awards for Excellence – Category: Excellence in HDR Supervisory Practice

2. Commendations for the Enhancement and Innovation of Student Learning – CategoryImplementing effective HDR Supervisory Practices


If you know of any supervisors that achieve excellence in either of these fields please encourage them to apply by the due dates listed below. For more information about the awards, and the eligibility requirements, please contact



2023 Stephen Cole the Elder Awards for Excellence

These awards recognise achievement in teaching, support of teaching, and supervisory practices. Both academic and professional staff, individuals and teams are encouraged to apply.
Interested staff are invited to attend a Writing Workshop on Thursday 6 July (12-1pm). 



2023 Commendations for the Enhancement and Innovation of Student Learning

These awards recognise the diverse range of activities, services and programs that contribute to student learning and engagement at the University. Both academic and professional staff, individuals and teams are encouraged to apply.

Interested staff are invited to attend a Writing Workshop on Wednesday 5 July (12-1pm). 

More information and application forms are now available, with applications due by Monday 9 October.


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