Enrolment Guide for Supervisors
Information to assist Supervisors, Postgraduate Coordinators and Heads of School when completing the online enrolment form and other candidature related forms.
Please ensure that the online enrolment form is submitted to the Adelaide Graduate Research School prior to the nominated commencement date of candidature.
Faculty, school, discipline and campus/hospital location
Please indicate the faculty/school/discipline and campus/hospital location in which the student is to be enrolled.
NB. A HDR completion is attributed to the school/discipline in which the research student is enrolled. Consequently a faculty’s total completion performance for the year is the sum of the HDR completions across all of its schools and disciplines.
Campus or hospital location ATP NSW (ECIC) Roseworthy Campus Dental Hospital Royal Adelaide Hospital IMVS Thebarton Lyell McEwin Hospital SAHMRI Modbury Hospital Waite Campus North Terrace Campus Women's & Children's Hospital Queen Elizabeth Hospital -
Academic program (degree program in which the student is enrolled) academic plan (broad field of education; determines whether funding is high cost or low cost)
Please indicate the program and plan acronyms (not numerical codes) that correspond to the degree for which the student is enrolled. Program and plan codes for research degrees scroll down to the heading 'program and plan codes for individual faculty structures' and select the relevant faculty and program for the student’s enrolment. First tier in the diagram depicts the academic program e.g. PHHSS. The second tier depicts the academic plan e.g. PHDGEOG.
For Master of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Science students only
The Master of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Science degrees are awarded either solely on the thesis, the "100% research stream" or as a combination of thesis (67%) and coursework (33%) the "mixed research and coursework stream". Students indicate their preference by ticking the appropriate box. Once the enrolment form has been processed those who are enrolled in the mixed research and coursework stream will be sent an email advising them how to enrol in the coursework component.
Please note: International students are required to attend the Orientation and Research Communications Task session to determine the level of participation required.
Commencement date of candidature
Denotes the start date of the student's candidature and where applicable, the scholarship and RTP entitlement i.e. dd/mm/yy
Supervisory Panel
All Higher Degree Research students must be supervised by a panel comprising a Principal and at least one Co or External Supervisor The Principal Supervisor has the primary responsibility for supervision and must be a member of the academic staff of the School in which the student is enrolled, or, a Titleholder (excluding visitors) with that School. A Co-Supervisor may be an academic employee from any University School (including a titleholder (excluding visitors)). An External Supervisor is defined as a subject matter expert who is not a member of University Academic Staff and who has not been awarded an Academic Title of the University of Adelaide, excepting a Visitor Title. Appropriately qualified Professional Staff and Internal Visitors are considered to be external for the purposes of supervision. Each co-supervisor (including external) on the panel must be assigned a minimum of 20% of the responsibility for the supervision. Weighting split will be entered as 60/20/20 in the case of 3 supervisors.
All nominated supervisors must be admitted to the Supervisor Register prior to supervising students. If a nominated supervisor is not already on the Register, they will need to complete an online Supervisor Registration Application: https://scrs.adelaide.edu.au/apply
Registered Supervisors are only assigned to students who are studying for a degree less than or equal in status to their own highest qualification, noting that a prospective Supervisor who does not hold a PhD may be approved to supervise by the Dean of Graduate Studies where he/she is able to demonstrate equivalent research experience and is active in research and publishing in, or otherwise making original contributions to, a relevant field or discipline. At minimum, the experience should include a sound record of publication and over the last five years meet the minimum requirements for at least one research quality measure and at least one research output measure equal to a Level C academic in the discipline as specified on the relevant Adelaide Academic Role Statement.
Research studies code (describes the student's subject area and determines the proportion in which school/discipline(s) own the load associated with the enrolment.)
Research Studies Codes: To complete these codes, please refer to the Research Studies Codes.
Under the heading ‘Codes & Information for Completing the Back of the Enrolment Form’ click on link entitled ‘Research Studies Codes’. Under the Subject column, select the code that relates to the School and enter this in the Subject Area section of the enrolment form. Enter the corresponding Catalogue number and course description.
NB. The Course Description denotes the proportion in which the load (and therefore funding) associated with the student’s enrolment is attributed to School(s).
If none of the available course descriptions reflect the appropriate EFTSL split, please complete the 'New Research Studies Code form'.
Academic load
Indicate full-time/half-time as appropriate.
Mode I or E (internal or external mode of attendance)
External mode of attendance (remote candidature) is permissible only with the support of the school/discipline and REDC and usually not until the candidate has completed the Core Component of the Structured Program. More information and the application form for remote candidature.
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) code
SEO is a hierarchical classification with three levels, namely Divisions (2 digits), Groups (4 digits) and Objectives (6 digits). SEO classification allows Research & Development (R&D) activity in Australia & New Zealand to be categorised according to the intended purpose or outcome of the research, rather than the processes or techniques used in order to achieve this objective.
Select the appropriate Socio- Economic Objective code located on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.
Click on the relevant Division which will then take you to the Groups level. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the relevant Group which will then take you to the list of available Objectives. Annotate the relevant 6 digit Objective code on the enrolment form.
There may be more that one SEO code per student but the % split should add up to 100%.
Field of Research (FOR) code
FOR is a hierarchical classification with three levels, namely Divisions (2 digits), Groups (4 digits) and Fields (6 digits). Each Division is based on a broad discipline. Groups within each Division are those which share the same broad methodology, techniques and/or perspective as others in the Division. Each Group is a collection of related Fields of research. Groups and Fields of research are categorised to the Divisions sharing the same methodology rather than the Division they support.
Select the appropriate Field of Research code located on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. Navigate to the .xls file named "ANZSRC 2020 FoR - structure, definitions and explanatory notes" and select tab titled "Table 3". Annotate the relevant 6 digit Field code on the enrolment form.
There may be more that one FOR code per student but the % split should add up to 100%.
Head of school/discipline certification
By approving the enrolment form the head of school/discipline confirms that adequate resources and supervision will be available within the school/discipline for the duration of the student’s candidature and that all information recorded on the form is correct. The Head is also certifying that the nominated principal supervisor has agreed to participate, in cases where the International Career and Research Skills Training (iCaRST) program or Master of Philosophy/Master of Clinical Science mandatory coursework courses is/are compulsory component(s) of the candidature, or where domestic students have elected to attend iCaRST.
Codes relating to the online enrolment form:
Program and Plan Codes for Research Degrees
Socio-Economic Codes (SEO codes)