Career Development
The University of Adelaide offers Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) which is a specialised training and development program for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students studying at the University.
The program has been designed to equip you with the skills you need to become a more effective and well-rounded researcher and prepare for careers both within and outside academia.
Find out more about CaRST and other career development opportunities below.
CaRST Handbook
The CaRST Handbook includes everything you need to know about how to engage with the program, including a step-by-step guide and a catalogue of workshops categorised by domain and candidature stage. You should ensure you read and understand the content of the handbook before commencing CaRST activities.
Login to CaRST Online
The CaRST Online platform makes it easy to track your progress with CaRST, achieve the skills and results you want from your graduate program and for your future career, and ensure you are meeting the CaRST requirements of your degree.
Contact Career & Research Skills Training at