Legal and Risk

As part of the Division of University Operations, we provide legal, compliance, insurance and risk management support and advice to the University.

Travel insurance

Travelling on behalf of the University? Learn more about cover available under the University's corporate travel insurance policy.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA) gives anyone the right to request access to documents created or held by the University, in a manner that is fair and transparent. Information includes how to make or respond to a request, staff member information and forms and fact sheets.

Latest announcements



Safeguarding Australia's Military Secrets

The Australian government passed the Defence Amendment Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Act (SAMS), which will be enforced from 7 August 2024. The legislation requires certain Australian citizens and permanent residents to have a Foreign Work Authorisation (FWA) when working for or providing military-related training to a foreign military or foreign government body (including foreign public universities). Individuals have a personal obligation to obtain the FWA.



Contract Management Essentials

AGD identified shortcomings in the University’s contract management and recordkeeping procedures. This article brings essential reminders to comply with the University's Contracts and Agreements Policy.



Executing University Contracts - guidance

If you are involved in contract management, it is important to be aware of the formal requirements for signing contracts and deeds.
