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Australia and New Zealand have a golden opportunity to build stronger ties in the Pacific – but will they take it?

The Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ meeting hosted by Fiji last week was the first to be held in person since 2019. Following a particularly challenging period, it was an opportunity for leaders to reconnect and agree to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.

[Read more about Australia and New Zealand have a golden opportunity to build stronger ties in the Pacific – but will they take it?]

Grape growers are adapting to climate shifts early - and their knowledge can help other farmers

It’s commonly assumed Australia’s farmers and cities are divided over climate issues. This is not true. After all, farmers are on the front line and face the realities of our shifting climate on a daily basis.

[Read more about Grape growers are adapting to climate shifts early - and their knowledge can help other farmers]

South Australia: the Democracy State?

Adelaide's skyline is lit up at night time

On 8 November 2023 Professors Adam Graycar and Alan Reid presented a seminar to the Australian Study of Parliament Group (ASPG). Entitled South Australia: the Democracy State?, the seminar was held in Parliament House, Adelaide.

[Read more about South Australia: the Democracy State?]

When it’s ‘lawful but awful’: an integrity commission for rich Australia

Attorney-general Mark Dreyfus spoke last week about a commonwealth integrity commission. One of the issues that will face such a commission is whether pork barrelling will come under its purview.

[Read more about When it’s ‘lawful but awful’: an integrity commission for rich Australia]

Repairing Australia’s integrity: reform priorities after the 2022 federal election

Integrity was a deciding issue in the 2022 federal election campaign. Will this be a turning point for citizen trust and Australia’s reputation, after Australia’s
fall on Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index to its lowest point ever?

The Morrison Government’s inability to produce a suitable model for a federal anti-corruption commission in 2018-22 proved pivotal in tipping Australians to
change the government, but what next for that reform, and what else is needed to arrest our sliding national integrity performance and restore public trust?

[Read more about Repairing Australia’s integrity: reform priorities after the 2022 federal election]

Sussan Ley says she is listening to women who rejected the Liberals. But will she hear what they are saying?

Sussan Ley, deputy leader of the Liberal Party and shadow minister for women, has been given a difficult task: bring women voters back to the Liberal Party.

[Read more about Sussan Ley says she is listening to women who rejected the Liberals. But will she hear what they are saying?]

Hugh Stretton Oration 2022

Australia Fair: is the playing field fair for women and girls?

[Read more about Hugh Stretton Oration 2022]

Amplifying narratives about the ‘China threat’ in the Pacific may help China achieve its broader aims

Yet more proposed Chinese “security agreements” in the Pacific Islands have been leaked.

[Read more about Amplifying narratives about the ‘China threat’ in the Pacific may help China achieve its broader aims]

Why Morrison’s ‘can-do’ capitalism and conservative masculinity may not be cutting through anymore

Scott Morrison’s election strategy was clear at the end of last year. As borders were opened up and restrictions eased, Morrison argued the Coalition would be winding back the big government measures that were necessary during the pandemic.

[Read more about Why Morrison’s ‘can-do’ capitalism and conservative masculinity may not be cutting through anymore]

Baby oysters follow the crackling sound of snapping shrimp

Though oysters may be brainless bivalves, they can “hear” and swim towards attractive sounds of the sea.

[Read more about Baby oysters follow the crackling sound of snapping shrimp]