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Passcodes required for Zoom

Zoom is enforcing additional security measures for all meetings. As a result, the passcode function will be locked to ‘on’ for all Zoom meetings, including existing meetings. ITDS will apply the changes on 13 September. Meeting organisers will need to re-send invitations for any meetings after this date for attendees to join.
Mac update: farewell High Sierra

The Mac High Sierra operating system will soon no longer be supported, which means that if you are on this system, you will need to upgrade to Catalina (free) or your access to the University's network will be restricted or disabled, when using that operating system. Also, Microsoft Office will cease to function on it from October 2020.
Tech tips: email timing courtesy

With so much technology at our fingertips, it is increasingly easy, and even tempting, to be connected to work conversations and activity outside of traditional working hours. These handy tips can help you hit the right balance for yourself and your colleagues.