Fast Track to Principal Supervisor Training Program

The University’s Research Education and Supervision Policy has a provision for new staff and Early Career Researchers who have no prior record of principal supervision to be appointed as a Principal Supervisor.

‘Principal Supervisor’ refers to the primary member of the supervisory panel who is a University staff member or affiliate, adjunct or titleholder of the School in which the candidate is enrolled, and who has been appointed by the Head of School to have the primary responsibility for the supervision of a candidate.

New staff and Early Career Researchers who have no prior record of principal supervision may be appointed as a Principal Supervisor once they have completed the required Principal Supervisor training and have a recommendation from either their Executive Dean or Head of School.

The required Principal Supervisor training focuses on fostering the appropriate skills and attributes to ensure effective supervision. It includes trainings on all aspects of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, providing a safe and supportive environment for HDRs, managing the candidate-supervisor relationship, and supporting HDR students’ mental health.

To satisfy the Principal Supervisor training requirements, all four activities in the Fast Track to Principal Supervisor Training Program must be completed.

Before you apply, you should also familiarise yourself with the Research Education and Supervision Policy and the responsibilities of supervisors detailed in the Research Student Handbook  (Appendix 2).

How to apply

Please note that in 2025 the Fast Track to Principal Supervisor program will only be open to those with a pressing need to participate, with the need to be justified by the Head of School. An example of a pressing need is a DECRA recipient who has been asked to be a principal supervisor as part of their grant-funded research program. The program will also be open to the few staff who have commenced it in previous years but have one or more components to complete.

As the program won’t be repeated in 2025, participants will need to make a firm commitment to completing all requirements as scheduled and may require support from the school – for example to cover a clash with teaching commitments.

In the first instance, prospective applicants should discuss their planned application with their Head of School.

To apply please download and fill the application form.

Applications close 31 January 2025.

Download the fast track to principal supervisor application form

Who can apply

Applicants must have already been admitted to the Supervisor Register as a co-supervisor before they apply to upgrade to Principal. If you are not already on the Supervisor Register, you will need to submit an application to join the supervisor register, which requires completion of the online Supervisor Induction Program, Epigeum: Supervising Doctoral Studies.

Please note that while the Fast Track to Principal Supervisor program allows supervisors to be appointed as Principal Supervisor in advance of supervising their first student to completion, all other requirements of the Research Education and Supervision Policy apply. For example, supervisors must have a PhD (or equivalent) to supervise PhD students (clause 20 of the policy), and must be actively engaged in research in a relevant area to the student's research (clause 10). Completion of the program does not guarantee applicants to be granted Principal Supervisor status for all HDR students.

Program components

1. Epigeum: research integrity

Delivery mode: self-paced online course
When: can be completed on demand at any time

Research Integrity identifies the principles and responsibilities required of every researcher throughout the research process, from planning through to publication, providing practical guidance on dealing with complex issues. This interactive, online programme incorporates the values and obligations of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, alongside up-to-date examples, scenarios and case studies.

2. Respectful research training

Delivery mode: 2-hour interactive workshop, in person, North Terrace Campus
When: Wednesday 5 of February 2025, 10:30am -12:30pm.

Presented by the Adelaide Graduate Research School in collaboration with Counselling Services, this two-hour face-to-face workshop uses materials developed by the Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) to stimulate discussion about fostering the establishment and maintenance of a mutually respectful and safe research training environment within the University.

3. Managing relationships with HDR students: working with different personality and communication styles

Delivery mode: 1-hour live webinar
When: Thursday 10 of April
2025, 11:00am -12:00pm.

Effective communication between supervisor and candidate is central to successful HDR supervision. Differences in personality and communication styles can impact on the supervisory relationship. This workshop will focus on managing relationships within this context: understanding personality and communication styles; strategies to communicate and work with different styles; and facilitating positive relationships.

4. Simple strategies for supporting HDR students’ mental health

Delivery mode: 1-hour live webinar
When: Tuesday 10 of June 2025, 11:00am -12:00pm.

Maintaining positive psychological wellbeing is a challenge for many HDR students at some point in their program. This webinar will focus on key practical issues in this context: recognising signs of mental health difficulties; responding and suggesting support; and promoting positive psychological wellbeing.

 Invitations will be sent to approved applicants for each live activity.

After completing the program

When each activity is completed, record the date on the ‘fast track to principal supervisor’ form. You will also receive a certificate of completion for each, which you will need to save and provide as evidence when submitting your application. 

Once all four activities have been completed, have your application endorsed by your Head of School and return to You will need to include a copy of all four training completion certificates.

The application should only be made once all four activities have been completed and must be submitted as a single package. 

Download the fast track to principal supervisor completion form


For training enquiries, please contact