Adelaide Education Academy

The Adelaide Education Academy (AEA) was established in 2016 with the goals of supporting, promoting and recognising teaching excellence across the University of Adelaide.

Over the past eight years, the Academy has made significant contributions to the University and provided members with a strong community of dedicated teachers to network and share practice with. Members actively participate on a number of advisory boards and committees supporting and promoting excellence in teaching and learning and the development of educational skills of Academy members.

AEA membership indicates University recognition of elite teaching and scholarship.

Staff are invited to connect with a member of the AEA should they be looking to improve their teaching practice, and levels of student engagement, or explore an innovation or possible collaboration with colleagues or discuss any other element of excellence in learning and teaching.

Become a member of the AEA 

In 2023 the Academy underwent a refresh to ensure that all educators, regardless of teaching load, academic level or contract length are able to apply for membership. Applications for membership will now be assessed on the merit of the application, rather than the academic level or employment status of the applicant.

Members of the AEA are staff who have demonstrated outstanding university teaching.  As such, through the application process staff are required to provide evidence of their teaching excellence, are asked about their teaching philosophy and to consider how they believe their membership will enhance the Academy.

Should you require guidance around the collection of evidence or any aspect of your written application please contact AEA Co-Chair's Dr Mark Dodd or Dr Cheryl Pope, or seek guidance from another member of the AEA Executive Committee (members listed below).

General inquiries about the application process can be directed to the Teaching Excellence Team.

Apply to become a member of the AEA



How to apply

Membership of the AEA is by application only, with applicants assessed by a panel of their peers on a series of learning and teaching qualities.

Applications are now open (via the online form) and will close on Friday 26 July.

Membership Application Information Session Resources

An information session for staff considering applying for Adelaide Education Academy membership was held on Thursday 27 June 2024 via Zoom. A copy of the presentation slides and recording of the session are now available.

Presentation slides

Video recording

Questions regarding applications should be emailed to the Teaching Excellence Team

  • Application Form

    Application Form

    Applicant details
    Application details

    Please provide evidence to support excellence in teaching practice, in the following three areas:

    Include an explanation of your teaching philosophy with reference to your beliefs about learning and the ideas underpinning your approach to teaching and/or supporting learning in your discipline context. Your philosophy should be grounded in the pedagogical thinking that inspires you (include reference to the relevant educational literature) and not a description of your practice or teaching activities. See here for a guide on developing your teaching philosophy.

    Please describe how you use innovative approaches in your teaching practice.

    Include a brief description of how you use innovative approaches in your teaching practice. See here for a definition of pedagogical innovation or innovation in learning and teaching.

    Please describe how you have engaged with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (e.g. use of evaluation evidence to inform teaching practice; use of an action research cycle in evaluating your teaching practice, SoTL publications or other dissemination activities) and describe how you have used student feedback to shape your teaching practice.

    Include a list of professional and peer recognition of the quality of your teaching and support of learning. These could include learning and teaching prizes and awards, and any formal professional recognition status (such as Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy or of HERDSA).

    Describe your recent contributions as a leader in learning and teaching. These roles and activities can be formal (e.g. chairing committees at University, Faculty or School level, convening a Community of Practice, participating as a reviewer in Peer Review of Teaching) or informal (e.g. leading curriculum renewal in your area, mentoring colleagues, leading by example).

    Please include your reasons for seeking to join the Adelaide Education Academy and the ongoing contribution you believe you will be able to make as a member at a School, Faculty and University level.

    Provide evidence of the quality of your teaching including: a summary of your student evaluation of learning and teaching (SELT) results; TRP or PARD-P peer review evaluations of your teaching (if available); student feedback on your teaching practice, any other evidence you have collected of teaching quality.

    You may choose to write a summary of this evidence in addition to attaching your supporting documentation (not compulsory).

    Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
    20 MB limit.
    Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.

    Applicant declaration

    I apply for membership of the Adelaide Education Academy.

    I confirm that I adhere to the University’s Values and Behaviours Framework.

    Sign above

    Application endorsement

    Applications must be endorsed by your Head of School and your Line Manager (if they are not the same person).

    These staff will be sent a copy of your submitted application and asked to provide their endorsement in writing - confirming your excellent practice, and that they believe you adhere to the University’s Values and Behaviours Framework.

    Please enter the name and email of your Head of School
    Please enter the name, position and email of your Line Manager
  • Membership criteria

    Applications for membership will be assessed on the merit of the application, rather than the academic level or employment status of the applicant.

    Applications will be open to:

    • Any academic level
    • Continuing and fixed term staff (regardless of time left on their contract)
    • Casual staff are not eligible

    There will be no minimum requirement regarding length of employment at the University of Adelaide – new arrivals can apply presenting evidence from outside the University.

    Unsuccessful applicants who show promise will be matched with a mentor and/or given guidance as to how they can be successful in future applications.

  • Application process

    Applications for membership commencing in 2024 will be open from 14 June 2024.

    Staff are asked to address three questions with a 500 word limit per question.  Each question should be considered equally.

    Applicants are then asked to substantiate their claims through the provision of evidence.  They can summarise their evidence with a written statement (up to 250 words) in addition to providing up to five A4 pages of evidence (see evidence section for more information).

  • Written application

    Staff must address three questions with a limit of 500 words per section.  Progress on the online form cannot be saved so it is recommended that staff draft their responses in advance and receive feedback from a peer (ideally a current member of the AEA) prior to completing the form.

    Applicants will be asked to provide evidence to support excellence in practice in the following three areas: 

    1. An innovative approach to teaching and support of learning that is grounded in an understanding of pedagogical theory and the contemporary learning needs of students.

    2.  A scholarly approach to practice evidenced by purposeful and informed continuous improvement methods with outcomes that receive professional recognition.

    • Please describe how you have engaged with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (e.g. use of evaluation evidence to inform teaching practice; use of an action research cycle in evaluating your teaching practice, SoTL publications or other dissemination activities) and describe how you have used student feedback to shape your teaching practice.
    • Please list professional and peer recognition of the quality of your teaching and support of learning, such as learning and teaching prizes, and awards, and any formal professional recognition status (such as Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy or of HERDSA).
    1. A commitment to leadership in learning and teaching that motivates and influences others.
    • Please describe your reasons for seeking to join the Adelaide Education Academy and the ongoing contribution you believe you will be able to make as a member at a School, Faculty and University level.
    • Please describe your recent contributions as a leader in learning and teaching. These roles and activities can be formal (e.g. chairing committees at University, Faculty or School level, convening a Community of Practice, participating as a reviewer in Peer Review of Teaching) or informal (e.g. leading curriculum renewal in your area, mentoring colleagues, leading by example).

    Please note that even weighting will be given to each question.

  • Evidence of teaching quality

    Applicants are asked to provide evidence of the quality of their teaching. You are provided with an opportunity to do this in two ways:

    1. Written summary of examples (this can include URL links to teaching video's) - optional
    2. Provision of up to five A4 pages of evidence - compulsory

    Evidence may include:

    • a summary of their student evaluation of learning and teaching (SELT) results;
    • TRP or PARD-P peer review evaluations of their teaching (if available);
    • student feedback on their teaching practice (solicited or unsolicited comments),
    • any awards they have achieved for learning and teaching
    • testimonials from peers
    • short videos (URL's to be included in written evidence summary)
    • any other evidence you have collected of teaching quality.
  • Endorsement

    All applications must receive formal endorsement from the applicant's Head of School and Line Manager.

    If the Head of School is also the Line Manager then only one endorsement is required.

    Endorsers will be sent a copy of the staff member's application and will also be asked to verify that the staff member adheres to the University's Staff Values and Behaviour Framework.

  • Selection process

    Once expressions of interest have been received, they are presented to the AEA Executive group who evaluate the evidence of teaching excellence.

    The Executive then present their recommendations to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Learning) and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) who then either approve induction, or provide guidance and support to unsuccessful applicants.

Frequently asked questions

  • Benefits of becoming a member of the Adelaide Education Academy

    AEA membership indicates University recognition of elite teaching and scholarship.

    Denote yourself as an expert and leader in Learning and Teaching
    Certain leadership and engagement opportunities in Learning and Teaching across the University may at times be invited specifically from the community of Adelaide Education Academy members. 

    Access to apply for funding under the Learning and Teaching Advancement Grant (LTAG) scheme
    This scheme funds initiatives driven by AEA members seeking to advance teaching excellence at the University of Adelaide. 2023 LTAG applications have now closed.  Applications will be invited again early in 2024. 
    To view the successful applicants of 2023, visit the Learning and Teaching Advancement Grant webpage (staff log in required).

    Member Networking
    Members are supported and encouraged to communicate with peers through informal mentoring programs.

    Membership Online Collaboration 
    Facilitated though a dedicated team in Microsoft Teams, members are free to discuss issues relevant to teaching staff, share ideas and promote best practice in teaching. 

    AEA member events (F2F and online) 
    A range of events and activities are arranged by the AEA on behalf of its members. These include invited speakers such as nationally and internationally recognised scholars and thought leaders in higher education, and other events aimed at the interests of the AEA membership.

  • Do applicants need to demonstrate a set time of service at University of Adelaide?

    Previously applicants were required to be employed at the University for a minimum of two years to apply for AEA membership.

    This condition no longer applies. New arrivals can apply and present evidence of their outstanding practice in learning and teaching from institutions outside the University of Adelaide.  The context will need to be described, however, which can be done in the 250-word description of evidence section on the online form.

    Please direct any questions to the Teaching Excellence Team.

  • I am a current member of the AEA. What do the changes to the membership criteria mean for me?

    As part of the membership refresh all membership tiers will be dissolved - i.e. there are no longer  'full' and 'affiliate' members of the AEA. 

    All members of the AEA will be eligible to apply for LTAG funding in the 2024 round however, an amount of money will be prioritised for members who are Education Specialists (or teams who are led by an Education Specialist).

    More information will be provided when the 2024 LTAG applications are opened in January 2024.

    The provisions for contract variations to become an Education Specialist are still available, and these options can be discussed with your line manager and with HR. 

    Joining the AEA is not necessary to become an Education Specialist, but may still be of particular interest to Education Specialists and others on teaching intensive workloads, or those looking for career progression within teaching-focussed pathways. 

  • Can I still become an Education Specialist when joining the Academy?

    An ‘Education Specialist’ refers to certain academic staff members with a particular workload allocation and contract type.  

    Prior to 2023, full membership of the Adelaide Education Academy was tied to the Education Specialist designation, but this has now been separated to allowed broader access into the Academy. Under previous processes, contract variations to become an Education Specialist were commonly entered into when members joined the Academy. However, these processes are now separate. 

    The provisions for contract variations to become an Education Specialist are still available, and these options can be discussed with your line manager and with HR. 

    Joining the AEA is not necessary to become an Education Specialist, but may still be of particular interest to Education Specialists and others on teaching intensive workloads, or those looking for career progression within teaching-focussed pathways. 

  • Does the Adelaide Education Academy still represent Education Specialists?

    The AEA Executive Group recognises that many Educations Specialists are likely to be members of the Adelaide Education Academy, and will make efforts to ensure that the specific interests of this group are taken into consideration within the Executive Group’s representation of the entire membership.  

    AEA members who are Education Specialists are encouraged to continue to use the AEA as one avenue to connect with other Education Specialists. For example, discussion of matters specific to Education Specialists regarding promotion, SSP, and other matters, are encouraged to continue within this group through avenues such as the Microsoft Teams channels. 

Members of the Adelaide Education Academy

  • Faculty of Arts, Business, Law & Economics

    • Walter Barbieri (AEA Executive Committee)
    • Kathryn Bowd 
    • Hong Cai 
    • Benito Cao
    • Domenic Carbone
    • Dustan (Dusty) Cox
    • Ratna (Erin) Derina
    • Mark Dodd (Co-Chair AEA Executive Committee)
    • Kayoko Enomoto 
    • Jessica Ford
    • Anne Hewitt
    • Cornelia Koch
    • Elizabeth Koch
    • Mahmud Masum (AEA Executive Committee)
    • Edward Palmer
    • Florian Ploeckl
    • Lucy Potter
    • Gareth Pritchard
    • Simon Walsh
    • Thomas Wanner
    • Linda Westphalen
  • Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology

    • Amanda Able
    • Jill Bauer
    • Bree Bennett
    • James Botten
    • Michelle Coulson
    • Maria Gonzalez Perdomo
    • Adrian Hunter
    • Catherine (Cathy) Irving
    • Stuart Johnson
    • Adrian Koerber
    • Sara Krivickas
    • Sasha Lanyon
    • Michael Leonard
    • Beth Loveys ( AEA Executive Committee)
    • Andrew MacKinnon
    • Holger Maier
    • Hayley McGrice (AEA Executive Committee)
    • Dorothy Missingham AM
    • Helen Morris
    • Braden Phillips
    • Cheryl Pope (Co-Chair AEA Executive Committee)
    • Karina Riggs
    • Olaf Schaaf
    • Alistair Standish
    • Raymond Vozzo
    • Elizabeth Yong
  • Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences

    • Janet (Jan) Alderman
    • Kent Algate
    • Poppy Anastassiadis
    • Matthew Arnold
    • Melissa Arnold-Ujvari
    • Elizabeth (Liz) Beckett
    • Adelaide Boylan
    • Peta Callaghan
    • Tania Crotti (member of AEA Executive Group)
    • Andrea Dillon
    • Esma Dogramci
    • Frank Donnelly
    • Matthew Dry
    • Anastasia Ejova
    • Iain Everett
    • David Foley
    • Jennifer Gray
    • Rainer Haberberger
    • David Hunter
    • Viythia Katharesan
    • Dimitra Lekkas
    • Sally Martin
    • Paul McLiesh
    • Danijela Menicanin
    • Christian Mingorance
    • Helen Morris
    • Adam Montagu (member of AEA Executive Group)
    • Emma Muhlack
    • Judith Naine
    • Samantha Newell
    • Tamara (Tammy) Page
    • Eleanor Parker
    • Joanne (Jo) Perry 
    • Katrina Plastow
    • Philippa Rasmussen
    • Mario Ricci
    • Abdallah Salem
    • Simran Sidhu
    • Kerrie Stockley
    • Lauren Stow
    • Peter Strelan 
    • James Thompson
    • Nichola Thompson
    • Natasha Van Antwerpen
    • Corinna Van Den Heuvel
    • Bonnie Williams
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student learning)

    • David Butler

The Adelaide Education Academy Executive Group

Led by Co-Chairs Dr Mark Dodd and Dr Cheryl Pope the Adelaide Education Academy Executive Group meets regularly to discuss issues relevant to the membership. 

Members of the Executive Committee agree to act on behalf of the Adelaide Education Academy members to:

  • support, promote and recognise teaching excellence across the University.
  • champion the role of the Academy within the University
  • identify professional recognition, professional development and career progression opportunities for members of the Adelaide Education Academy.
  • identify areas of teaching interest or needs and to organise events for Adelaide Education Academy members to address these.
  • develop admission requirements for members of the Adelaide Education Academy. 

AEA members are welcome and encouraged to reach out to their Committee representatives to discuss any items of interest.

Dr Walter Barbieri Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
School of Education
Term commenced July 2023
Associate Professor Tania Crotti

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
School of Biomedicine

Term commences March 2024
Dr Mark Dodd (SFHEA) Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
School of Economics and Public Policy
Associate Professor Beth Loveys (SFHEA) Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine (Waite Campus)
Former Co-Chair
Dr Mahmud Al Masum Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Adelaide Business School
Term commenced October 2020
Dr Hayley McGrice Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
School of Animal and Veterinary Science (Roseworthy Campus)
Term commenced July 2023
Associate Professor Adam Montagu

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Adelaide Health Simulation

Term commenced March 2024
Dr Cheryl Pope Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Launch of Adelaide Education Academy

The Adelaide Education Academy was officially launched on the 23rd March, 2016 by the Vice-Chancellor and President.

Event gallery