Tony McMurtrie Award for Academic Integrity
The Tony McMurtrie Practitioner Award for Academic Integrity is awarded to a member of University of Adelaide staff (academic or professional) who exemplifies the values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage, in their application of the Academic Integrity Policy through either education and/or implementation.

Dr Tony McMurtrie
Dr Tony McMurtrie was a Senior Lecturer in the University of Adelaide Business School and one of two Academic Integrity Officers in the Business School. He was an academic integrity champion for his Discipline, School, Faculty and the University. Tony acted as his School’s Academic Integrity Officer long before the concept of a specialist role for academic integrity was embedded in the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. In handling suspected academic integrity breaches, Tony skilfully balanced assessment security with academic integrity, always with the student’s experience and student’s welfare at the heart of his decision making.
Tony’s experience and expertise were very much valued through his contributions to the development of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy, implemented in 2020. His enduring commitment to furthering our understanding of good academic practice and building a culture of academic integrity at the University was demonstrated though his offer to provide his insight and expertise to the Policy Implementation Group in a voluntary capacity, and his regular thoughtful contributions to the discussions of the Academic Integrity Practitioners Network.
Nominations are invited from academic or professional staff (individuals or teams) who have responsibility for supporting academic integrity as part of their role.
Contributions made through the embedding of academic integrity education into curriculum will not be addressed through this Award Scheme. Instead educators should apply for the Academic Integrity category of the Commendations for Excellence and Innovation in Student Learning.
The deadline for 2023 nominations is Monday 30th October.
Selection criteria
The application must demonstrate values in action through activities that support the Academic Integrity endeavours of the University including (but not limited to):
- Education:
- Promoting engagement with the Academic Integrity Policy and values among staff or students
- Leading conversations about academic integrity in the University community
- Developing and sharing subject matter expertise
- Developing innovative approaches or resources for use by the broader University community
- Implementation:
- Contributions to policy and/or process development
- Innovation and enhancement of academic integrity investigation processes
- Providing excellent support, guidance or pastoral care to students
- Collegiality and peer support
Note that colleagues who have a named responsibility for Academic Integrity may have a higher expectation of impact in this space.
- Education:
How to nominate
Please Note: The nominee will receive a copy of the nomination and statement when you submit the nomination.
To nominate yourself, a colleague or a team for this award, fill in the web form below.
- A statement of up to 300 words detailing the nominee’s contributions to the practice and support of academic integrity, in relation to one or more of the criteria outlined above.
- The nomination must directly address how the nominee’s contributions exemplify the values and provide evidence to support the claims.
- The nomination must provide clear evidence and examples of values in action, and demonstrate the impact of the nominee's contribution. We recommend using the STAR method as a framework:
you faced
required, and desired outcome
taken to complete the task
you achieved, and lessons learned
Selection process
All applications in will be assessed on the extent to which the application shows evidence that the contribution has had a significant impact in the implementation of Academic Integrity Policy or process, and/or on awareness and engagement in the local area/Faculty/University.
Applications will be assessed by a selection panel including:
- Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Learning) - Convenor
- Director, Education Quality
- one Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching)
- one Professional staff manager
- one Academic Integrity Officer
Past Award Winners
2022 Winners
Dr David Wilson, Academic Integrity Officer, School of Biomedicine
David is an Academic Integrity Officer (AIO) for the School of Biomedicine, who often volunteers to share his approach to supporting academic integrity, contributing to ADEPT staff training sessions and the development of resources such as the University’s Turnitin Guide for Staff. In meetings with students, he reframes academic integrity in relatable ways, using the analogy of road rules and speeding to explain the student’s responsibilities. His expertise and student-centred approach are greatly appreciated by his colleagues in the Academic Integrity Network.
Claudia Gottwald, Academic Integrity Skills Officer
Claudia took up the role of Academic Integrity Skills Officer in March this year, and since then she has made fantastic contributions to student engagement and resources to support academic integrity. Her Academic Integrity Ambassador program is now one of the most sought-after volunteering opportunities at the University and even has a waiting list. This is just one of several collaborations Claudia has put in motion to promote academic integrity at the University. You can contact her to collaborate at
Special commendation: Dr Stuart Johnson, School of Mathematical Sciences
This special award recognises a colleague who has developed an innovative approach to protecting academic integrity through assessment design. Stuart, a lecturer in the School of Mathematical Sciences, designed and implemented a technique for creating randomised, unique questions in mathematical assessments which dramatically reduced the opportunity for contract cheating and received positive student feedback. Stuart and his colleagues have also published their approach in an article in the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.
2021 Winners
Dr Lisa Powell
Dr Powell is a lecturer and Academic Integrity Officer in the Business School, and received three separate nominations for this award. Dr Powell’s colleagues commended her commitment to supporting students through the academic integrity process, showing empathy, understanding, and professionalism during academic integrity meetings. They also focused on her educative approach to academic integrity, encouraging students to improve their academic practice and connecting them to academic support services.Faculty of Professions Support Hub (Genevieve Spalding, Sylvia Toelken, Kat Burgess)
The nominations highlighted the team’s dedication and attention to detail in providing support for the academic integrity process. They have worked collaboratively and innovatively to manage the Faculty’s academic integrity cases, in addition to sharing their expertise with other colleagues and practitioners. The nominations also highlighted the team’s exceptional commitment to student care during what can be a stressful time.Dr Julia Miller
Dr Miller is a senior lecturer and Academic Integrity Officer in the School of Education. Dr Miller’s nomination demonstrated her longstanding commitment to academic integrity education and awareness, developing lectures and videos on academic integrity concepts, and focusing particularly on academic integrity education for students with English as an additional language. Dr Miller also shares her resources and expertise with her academic colleagues through numerous staff development initiatives such as the ADEPT program and the Academic Integrity Colloquium. Dr Miller was awarded a special award for her sustained contribution to Academic Integrity at the University of Adelaide.
Nomination form - deadline Monday 30th October
*Please note that the nominee will receive a copy of the nomination and statement when you submit this form.*