Empowered Educators

The Empowered Educators series supports teaching quality and the facilitation of student learning through enabling you to apply evidence-based, fit for purpose teaching approaches which engage and motivate students, enable constructive relationships, and are continuously improved through reflective and scholarly practice.

In 2025, we are excited to support you to identify, implement and evaluate evidence-based enhancements in your context. We welcome back our engaged educators from 2024 and are looking forward to colleagues joining us for the first time.

...Joining the Empowered Educators series really encouraged me to make my courses more interactive, and it’s made a big difference in student engagement.  Empowered Educators participant 2024
  • Program Information 

    All teaching staff will be invited to a learning series which enables a reflective cycle of evidence-based enhancements to student learning. The series comprises of workshops and individual and small group support complemented by asynchronous resources and activities.

    Empowered Educators in 2025 is explicitly designed to be an ongoing support for educators in the transition to Adelaide University. It also enables the collection of evidence of enhancement of teaching and learning which can be used as evidence in future applications for recognition and reward schemes such as promotion, Advance HE Fellowship and teaching awards.

    The Empowered Educators series focuses on three key themes: enabling belonging, connectivity & the relationships which enhance learning, designing and providing feedback for learning, and developing active, critical, deep thinkers. However, you will choose the focus of your enhancement initiative, thereby enabling linkages with other professional learning opportunities or strategic directions.

    The multimodal design of this series provides staff with a variety of ways engage, learn and enhance practice.

    Chalmers, D. (2019). Recognising and rewarding teaching: Australian teaching criteria and standards and expert peer review. Canberra: Australia; O'Leary, M. (2017). Teaching excellence in higher education: Challenges, changes and the teaching excellence framework. In A. French & M. O'Leary (Eds.), Teaching excellence in higher education: Challenges, changes and the teaching excellence framework. ProQuest Ebook Central: Emerald Publishing Limited; Wood, P. (2017). From Teaching Excellence to Emergent Pedagogies. In F. Amanda & M. O'Leary (Eds.), Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework (pp. 39-74). ProQuest Ebook Central: Emerald Publishing Limited.

    ...it was a wonderful initiative and concept and something Uni Adelaide has not done before. I also liked that it had structured goals/timelines for participants - but at same time allowed and understood that for many reasons staff may not be able to attend everything or start something
    ...The no pressure approach was great...
    Empowered Educators participants 2024
  • MyUni Course

    The multimodal design of the Empowered Educator series enables you to engage and learn in a variety of ways. The series will comprise of two workshops complemented by asynchronous resources and activities and ongoing individualised support. The on-campus workshops are a great way to get inspired and meet colleagues. The MyUni course provides all the resources you need to prepare for your enhancement initiative. The Academic Leads will be available to provide the support you need across the Semester.

    Access the Empowered Educators MyUni course to learn more about the series and hear about the experience of colleagues who participated in 2024. Self enrol in the MyUni course here. 

Register Now

Online Information Session 
Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Format: Online via Zoom
Access the recording here

2025 Series Opening Workshop - featuring guest facilitator Dr Anna Rowe, UNSW
Learn from Dr Anna Rowe, Senior Lecturer in Academic Development at UNSW, Academic Leads and colleagues and prepare for your enhancement initiative for 2025 in this face-to-face workshop.  Morning tea and lunch is included.
Date: Friday 21 February 2025
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Format: Function Room 1, Union House

These events just inspire me to keep fighting the good fight. That how we teach is so important and can really transform the student's experience and sense of belonging.Empowered Educators participant 2024

Academic Leads

The ADEPT Academic Leads guide the development of the Empowered Educators series and provide support to participants throughout their reflective practice journey.

The ongoing guidance and support from the academic leads throughout the series has been really valuableEmpowered Educators participant 2024
  • Dr Matthew Arnold

    Dr Matthew Arnold

    Dr Matthew Arnold is a Senior Lecturer and Education Specialist within the Adelaide Medical School. Matt has multiple roles within the School, co-coordinating the First-year courses of the Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine program, leading the Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) curriculum across Years 1-3, and co-coordinating a Year 6 elective rotation involving near-peer teaching in medical education. Matt is a graduate of Adelaide Medical School, and after working clinically as a doctor upon graduating, he transitioned into a full-time academic role to follow his passion for medical education.

  • Associate Professor Kayoko Enomoto



    Associate Professor Kayoko Enomoto is the Deputy Dean (People & Culture) in the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics. Kayoko has over 30 years of experience teaching Japanese to university students in the UK and Australia. In 2022, she achieved Senior Fellow status with the UK Higher Education Academy (Advance HE). Her contributions to teaching have been recognised through multiple awards, including a national Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2011), the Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012), a Student-led Teaching Award (2018), a Special Commendation for COVID-19 Emergency Teaching Response (2020), and the Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in Leadership, Support, and Enhancement of Teaching Practice (2021). In 2021, she was also honoured with the Vice-Chancellor and President’s Award for Excellence.

  • Dr Hayley McGrice

    Dr Hayley McGrice

    Dr Hayley McGrice is an enthusiastic Education Specialist who has provided exemplary leadership in learning and teaching across the University of Adelaide through her sustained work in the Communities of Practice, the ADEPT professional development program, and more recently as the Associate Dean Learning Quality and Student Experience in the Faculty of SET. Hayley is passionate about improving the student experience through inclusion of students as partners and actively listening to the student voice at all levels of university operations and governance.  Hayley was recognised for her outstanding leadership and practice in 2023 when she received a Stephen Cole the Elder Award for excellence in the leadership, support and enhancement of teaching.

  • Associate Professor Danijela Menicanin

    Dr Danijela Menicanin

    Associate Professor Danijela Menicanin is the Associate Dean of Learning Quality and Student Experience and an Education Specialist at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide. As an educator, she strives to influence change, promote discovery and innovation and cultivate an enhanced student experience. Her role is focused on implementation of innovative approaches and methodologies, and development of support resources, inspire excellence, reinforce academic advancement and cultivate creativity and in the current, dynamic, technology driven culture of learning and teaching.