Program Approval Process
The University's Program Development and Approval process through the Academic Program Entry and Approval Committee (APEAC) must be sought for each of the following:
- new coursework programs
- major revisions to existing coursework programs
- revision of entry requirements for coursework programs
- suspension of entry to existing coursework programs
- inactivation of coursework programs
Important: Program Changes in 2025
To support transition to Adelaide University only essential changes to programs can be considered.
Essential changes are those
- to correct an error or problem that will cause disadvantage to a student
- required to respond to Professional Accreditation actions/improvements
- to inactivate academic programs that will not be transitioned to Adelaide University
For further information refer to interim processes for 2025 for implementation in 2026.
Considerations when planning all proposal types
- Program development and approval workflows
- Including timeframes for individual stages (displayed on left hand side)
- Faculty and school approval processes
- Resolution of any issues that may arise at one or more steps in the process
- Student recruitment timelines (domestic and international)
Important: Before submitting a proposal to inactivate or suspend any programs, please check the University of Adelaide 2024-2025 CGS Funding Agreement May 2024.
If the program being considered for inactivation or suspension is listed in the agreement, please contact APEAC prior to progressing the proposal.
Program Approval Stages
Concept Proposal stage - This stage applies to new programs only
During this stage, the proposal proponents obtain advice and endorsements from relevant areas across the University to prepare a Concept Proposal document.
The Concept Proposal must be submitted to the Faculty Executive Dean with a cc to APEAC (subject line: Concept proposal for Executive Dean Approval for consideration).Following endorsement from the Executive Dean of each involved Faculty, the Business Case stage will commence. Endorsement should be sought through internal Faculty governance structures and approval processes.
- If the proposal involves a University partner, approvals need to be sought from the relevant governance bodies.
- Proposals can be commenced by Faculties or a combination of areas across the University. Furthermore, the University may elect to propose a new program in consultation with third parties (including industry bodies).
- Selected proposals may be eligible to use a fast-tracked version of the process, if previously agreed or identified as a priority and approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic). These proposals would proceed directly to the Business Case stage.
- New program development for implementation in 2026 will require approval through Adelaide University Governance Processes.
Business Case stage
This stage applies to new coursework programs and specific major revisions only.
During this stage proponents, including the coordinating Faculty, work alongside areas across the University such as Planning and Analytics, Finance, Marketing, Recruitment, and other areas as required, to prepare a Business Case document.
Following completion of the Business Case, proponents must submit this to the relevant Executive Dean with a cc to APEAC (subject line: Business Case for consideration by the Executive Dean of each involved Faculty). Should the Executive Dean endorse the Business Case, the proponents will need to use Faculty governance structures and approval processes to obtain endorsement from the Executive Dean of each involved Faculty prior to commencing the Academic Design and Implementation stage.
Academic Design and Implementation stage
This stage applies to new programs and specific major revisions only.
During this stage the proponents, including the coordinating Faculty, will arrange a series of workshops to complete the relevant Program Proposal.
Specific program proposals forms are available for Undergraduate Coursework Program Proposals and Postgraduate Coursework Program Proposals.
The workshops will include consultation sessions with stakeholders across the University, to both determine the academic elements of the proposal and ensure it can be made operational in the anticipated timeframe.
Stakeholders across the University include:
- Admissions (for domestic and international student cohorts as required)
- Education Quality
- Education Transformation
- Educational Policy and Compliance
- University Finance
- International Compliance
- Learning Enhancement and Innovation
- Marketing
- Planning and Analytics
- Recruitment (student recruitment)
- Student Administration
- Includes: Student Data Collection; as a PeopleSoft proforma will need to be completed prior to submission at APEAC.
It is anticipated that the Program Proposal would be populated either during or as a result of these workshops throughout the Academic Design and Implementation stage. Teaching Excellence and Education Quality have created a set of resources to support coordinating Faculties in organising workshops and completing the corresponding sections of the relevant proposal form.
Academic Approvals stage
This stage applies to new programs, major revisions, revisions to entry requirements and program inactivations.
During this stage, the finalised proposals, and any required supporting documents, are submitted to APEAC for consideration. Proposals endorsed by APEAC* will be sent to Academic Board for recommendation and subsequent approval by the Vice-Chancellor and President.
*Proposals to revise entry requirements will be sent to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) for approval, upon recommendation by APEAC.
Revisions to entry requirements
The Revision of Entry Requirements form is endorsed by the Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) (DDLT), the Executive Dean (and, if any other faculties are involved, the relevant DDLT and Executive Dean) and Executive Director, Future Students. It is then submitted to the Admissions Committee for consideration. Subsequent to endorsement by the Admissions Committee, it will be considered by the Academic Program Entry and Approval Committee (APEAC) (as per the APEAC submission deadlines).
APEAC will consider the recommendations based on the proposal’s merits and decide whether a recommendation for approval is to be made to the DVC&VP(A).
Revisions to entry requirements will be communicated to Adelaide University to support transition.
For further advice on entry requirements, refer to program structure and entry requirements.
Proposals to suspend coursework programs
The Program Suspension form is endorsed by the Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) (DDLT), the Executive Dean (including the relevant DDLT and Executive Dean for any other faculties involved) and will require endorsement of the Executive Director, Future Students and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement). It is then submitted to APEAC (as per APEAC submission deadlines) for consideration.
Approval of Program Suspension is delegated to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) on recommendation of APEAC.
Program suspensions will be communicated to Adelaide University to support transition.
Proposals to inactivate (delete) coursework programs
The Program Inactivation form is endorsed by the Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) (DDLT), the Executive Dean (including the relevant DDLT and Executive Dean for any other faculties involved) and will require endorsement of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement). It is then submitted to APEAC (as per APEAC submission deadlines) for consideration.
APEAC will consider the recommendations based on the proposal’s merits and decide whether the proposal will be sent to Academic Board for recommendation and subsequent approval by the Vice-Chancellor and President.
Program Inactivations will be communicated to Adelaide University to support transition.
Notification of Outcome
APEAC will notify stakeholders of the Vice-Chancellor and President’s decision, or in the case of entry requirement revisions, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)’s decision.
Once approved the proposal commences implementation.
Adelaide University will also be advised of approval outcomes to support student transition.
Further Information
Further information regarding the APEAC process is available on our FAQs page.