Articulation & Credit Transfer Agreements

Articulation and Credit Transfer are part of the University's ongoing commitment to access and equity. The University has devoted resources to improve and enhance student mobility in order to provide alternative access to higher education opportunities.

Through a growing number of collaborative arrangements and transfer agreements with various identified institutions in Australia, students can acquire credit towards a related degree once they have been accepted for admission. These students may receive credit for several courses, or for a year or more towards a university degree.

The University has formal, signed articulation agreements with TAFE and the Australian Defence Force to ensure smooth transfer of valid credit. A credit transfer agreement between the universities of the Australian Go8 (Adelaide, Melbourne, Monash, ANU, Queensland, Sydney, NSW and WA) facilitates the transfer of credit between these institutions.

For further information on transfer policies and practices please contact the Project Coordinator, email or telephone 8313 5901.


    The University has more than 200 pathways available from TAFE qualifications into undergraduate programs. Students who have completed a designated TAFE qualification for which an articulation agreement exists are granted an agreed amount of credit upon application.

    Please note: eligibility for credit does not guarantee admission to the University of Adelaide.

    If you would like assistance with articulation and credit transfer agreements, or any further information relating to TAFESA/UA collaboration, please contact the Project Coordinator, email or telephone 8313 5901.

    TAFE SA has a website dedicated to University Pathways as well as a Credit transfer search.

    Head Collaborative Agreement (HCA)

    The Head Collaboration Agreement has been negotiated between the University and the Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills (TAFE SA) to help develop more pathways for students with closer collaboration on programs, curriculum and delivery. 

    The HCA will facilitate collaboration across many activities where appropriate and beneficial linkages exist, some of which include: access to facilities, joint curriculum development and student cross institutional participation.

    The articulation pathways are based on Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Qualifications Pathways Policy and the University's Academic Credit Arrangements Policy.

    Staff at the University are encouraged to consider qualification connections with TAFE SA wherever appropriate, with the aim of enhancing student progression into and between AQF qualifications.


    The Strategic Management Committee (SMC) maintains oversight of the collaboration plan which aligns to strategic objectives, actions and KPIs.

    The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) recommends that any binding agreements between the two institutions have separate contractual negotiations, including terms relating to ownership and the use of intellectual property, financial arrangements, use of resources and any other issues as relevant.

  • Australian Defence Force

    The University of Adelaide has in place credit transfer arrangements for Australian Defence Force (ADF) members where maximum credit is granted towards a limited number of Adelaide programs.

  • International agreements

    The University of Adelaide has established a number of articulation agreements with international partner universities/institutions.

    A list of these agreement partnerships are available by searching the International Agreements Database. You will need to select the checkbox for Articulation before submitting your search. The agreement documents are restricted to staff only and require a password for access

  • Preferred pathway provider

    Studying at the University of Adelaide College can provide a direct pathway for admission to undergraduate degree programs at the University of Adelaide.

    The college is situated on campus and specifically prepares international students for entry into undergraduate courses at the University of Adelaide. The College offers two pathways to study in Australia in undergraduate programs at the University of Adelaide:

    • Foundation Studies and
    • the Degree Transfer.
  • Other providers

    Studying at Eynesbury College can provide a direct pathway for admission to undergraduate degree programs at the University of Adelaide.

    Eynesbury is a specialist institution that offers a range of pre-university and English programs, providing pathways in to the University of Adelaide.