Australian Awards for University Teaching

Congratulations to the following staff from the University of Adelaide who have received an Australian Award for University Teaching.

Announced at the national award ceremony on 24 February 2025.

Claudia Szabo

Associate Professor Claudia Szabo
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences 
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology  

Award type: Award for Teaching Excellence 

Associate Professor Szabo’s leadership in learning and teaching and innovative industry-based curriculum frameworks in computer science has resulted in powerful student outcomes. For the past thirteen years she has designed and implemented a highly innovative, industry relevant and embedded computer science undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum that has inspired her students, leading to increased levels of satisfaction, retention, learning and employment outcomes. A/Prof Szabo fosters a diverse and inclusive community of computer science practitioners, her peers and her students by engaging in a wide range of activities at local, national, and international levels, all aimed at ensuring student success and excellent graduate outcomes extensively applied to industry. Her innovative industry-focused curriculum design and engaging teaching approaches, driven by her passion to inspire her students and lead colleagues to drive deeply embedded learning in computer science evidence-based pedagogies has been recognised by The University of Adelaide, the national and international computer science community, accreditation bodies, and the South Australian government STEM awards.


Ben McCann

Associate Professor Benjamin McCann      
School of Humanities
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics 

Award Type: Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

For innovative, culturally rich learning and teaching strategies that promote a sense of belonging to their discipline and subsequent job readiness for Film Studies students.

Adelaide has rightfully earned the reputation as an international cultural capital and designated a UNESCO Creative City, not least because of the rich calendar of festivals it hosts throughout the year. These festivals generate significant economic impact for South Australia and the nation generally, and “actively align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” (Festival City Adelaide, 2024). Yet working in the creative industries is a precarious business – graduates with dreams of being curators and festival organisers must learn stickability, resilience and a strong sense of community (Power 2021). As a teacher of Film Studies at the University of Adelaide (UoA), A/Prof McCann in a privileged position to influence future generations of artists as they enter this competitive world of the creative industries.  Since 2019, A/Prof McCann have designed and led the new Film Studies major and taught 8 new Film Studies courses at UoA. It is now the fastest growing major in the BA program. He constructs highly immersive, innovative learning environments which not only replicate authentic, real-world professional situations but also promote ‘belonging’ and resilience making students feel accepted and valued on and off campus (Crawford et. al 2024). His teaching offers enriching, co-curricular opportunities, which he provides by leveraging his industry contacts across Adelaide. Students are carefully inducted into creative practice through learning activities that are designed to build professional resilience, develop research skills, and feel authentically engaged and connected to what they learn. All of this enhances student belonging and future employability.

The University of Adelaide supports Universities Australia in the promotion and participation of the annual Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT).

The AAUT were established in 1997 by the Australian Government to celebrate and reward excellence in university teaching. 

AAUT recognise the impact that educators have on the learning and teaching experiences and outcomes of university students. They celebrate and reward teaching and programs that support students and enhance learning. They also promote excellence in learning and teaching in all aspects of higher education.

Recipients contribute to systemic change in learning and teaching through the ongoing sharing and dissemination of knowledge. There are three award types promoting and recognising excellence in learning and teaching which are:

  • Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (Citations)
  • Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning (Program Awards)
  • Awards for Teaching Excellence (Teaching Awards)
  • Award for Australian University Teacher of the Year

    How can I apply?

    Submissions for University of Adelaide Staff are typically by invitation only however, should you be interested in writing a submission please contact the Teaching Excellence Team, for to discuss the options available to you.

    It is never too early to start your application.

    The following resources have been compiled from sources including SANTPEN workshops and the AAUT website.

    Resources for AAUT applicants

    Former recipients

    Congratulations to the former recipients of these prestigious awards.

    • 2023

      Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      Professor Michelle McArthur, School of Animal and Veterinary Science, Faculty of SET

      Veterinary science is a profession that has one of the highest rates of mental illness amongst its practitioners and students and a devastatingly high rate of death by suicide. Until recently, this was not addressed in the training of veterinarians with many graduates entering the workplace unprepared for the stresses associated with the profession. Michelle created an innovative wellbeing and communication skills program at the University of Adelaide’s veterinary school over ten years ago. This curriculum was designed to ultimately improve and maximise professional capacities including self-reflection, wellbeing, and communication. Students now progressively develop wellbeing and resilience capabilities throughout their training as these crucial skills have been integrated within each year level.

      Dr Thomas Wanner, School of Social Science, Faculty of ABLE

      Thomas has been teaching for over 20 years in international development, a multi-disciplinary field of research and practice concerned with the processes of achieving human, economic, social and political development in very poor countries of the Global South. His innovative teaching pedagogies around flexible and personalised assessment have been recognised by multiple teaching excellence awards and have been very well received by students. Colleagues have also adopted his approach and technologies in their own teaching. His scholarship about empowering student learning through assessment has had an impact on the wider academic community through presentations at national and international higher education conferences, and publications in high quality journals. He aims to develop the critical thinking skills of his students so that they understand how power relations shape those issues and that they feel empowered to become ‘agents of change’ for a more equitable and sustainable world. 

      Dr Walter Barbieri, School of Education, Faculty of ABLE Nomination category – Early Career

      Australian classrooms are among the most digitally connected in the world (OECD, 2023), with most secondary schools operating 1:1 device programs across subject areas. Australia’s teachers, however, often struggle to use the devices in their classrooms for effective teaching and learning (Selwyn et al., 2017). It is incumbent on Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs at the University to equip aspiring teachers with contemporary skills and mindsets to leverage learning technologies effectively. Since his appointment in 2018 as a lecturer in the School of Education (SoE), Walter has taught Bachelor of Teaching (BTeach) and Master of Teaching (MTeach) degree courses to develop pre-service teachers (PSTs) into technologically adept teachers fit for 21st-century schools. Walter's work has been recognised with a Commendation for the Enhancement and Innovation of Student Learning and a Faculty of Arts Excellence in Teaching Prize. Externally, Apple has identified his teaching practice as a global exemplar of innovation in education, and has named the SoE as the first tertiary Apple Distinguished School in Australia.  Through his work Walter feels privileged to be able to influence future generations of teachers.

    • 2022

      Award for Teaching Excellence

      Associate Professor Beth Loveys and Dr Karina Riggs (Team award), School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, Faculty of SET.

      Since 2011, Education Specialists Beth and Karina have enhanced the transition of second year students through to completion in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine. They have led fit-for-purpose initiatives to enhance learning and engagement through thoughtfully and intentionally addressing the needs of their students. 

      Beth and Karina provide stimulating and invigorating learning environments which cater to student diversity, embrace their life experiences and prepare them to be at the forefront of knowledge and practice to solve global issues such as global food security, climate change, sustainability, carbon footprints and transformative technologies.

      Their strategies include the use of real-life scenarios and hands on application through Flipped Laboratories, Team-Based Learning, Students as Partners and Discovery Learning. In 2019, they took Discovery Learning pedagogy to the next level by involving students in research and development for a start-up company, Mister RyeTM, to produce sustainable drinking straws. Another example of their successful work is the Waite Peer Mentor Program established in 2018. Through creating the space for a range of social activities they have facilitated informal opportunities for students and staff to meet which supports the students’ transition to the campus in their second year and builds a Waite Campus Community. 

      Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      Dr Hong CaiSchool of Social Sciences, Faculty of ABLE

      Hong has received a citation 'For excellence and leadership in developing language initiatives that support the social inclusion and cultural integration of international students and enhance student experiences across disciplines'.

      Her work addresses both the challenge many international students face in gaining a sense of belonging in their host country, and the challenge for domestic students in learning a foreign language without an authentic, immersive environment. She has broken social and cultural bubbles through a variety of innovative and authentic learning experiences including the Volunteer Tutors Program (VTP) and Inter-professional learning which brings students in the Master of Arts in Interpreting, Translation and Trans-cultural Communication together with students in medicine and law.

      Hong's impact has been far reaching with over 800 international and 1300 domestic students participating in the VTP, and more than 1500 in the inter-professional learning program.

    • 2020


      Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      Professor Kerry Wilkinson
      For creative digital technologies that support independent learning, overcome discipline-specific learning and teaching challenges, and inspire wine making/ wine business students to engage with industry practice.


      Team - Principles of Public Law (PPL)

      For enlivening first-year law students’ spirit of discovery in a large compulsory course through an authentic inquiry-based learning experience enabled by flipped classroom pedagogy.

    • 2019

      Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      Associate Professor Lyndsey Collins-Praino
      For effective use of gamification to teach neuroscience, leading to a deeper understanding of course material and richer student engagement.


    • 2018

      Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      Dr Peter Hill
      For sustained commitment, innovation and leadership in the education of veterinary dermatology and immunology at local, national and international levels.

      Dr Nicolene Lottering
      For engaging digital learners through a technology-enhanced learning framework to improve deep learning and student engagement in second year anatomy students. For engaging digital learners through a technology-enhanced learning framework to improve deep learning and student engagement in second year anatomy students.

    • 2017

      Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      The BEST Team

      • Associate Professor Catherine Snelling  (Current Titleholder with the University of Adelaide)
      • Associate Professor Sophie Karanicolas 

      For the BEST approach: enhancing learning and teaching through a sustained colleague development program.

      Professor Michael Liebelt
      For leadership and innovation in the development of curricula and pathways in professional engineering education, designed to improve flexibility and choice for students.

    • 2016

      Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

      Associate Professor Dimitra Lekkas
       For leading cultural change in approaches to the dental clinical student learning environment, through the provision of outstanding support of sessional staff.


      Professor Natalie Edwards
      For the development of a new curriculum built around an e-learning environment, which has significantly increased student success and retention in first-year French


      Foundations of Chemistry Team

      For restructuring the first year chemistry pathway to provide students with limited chemistry knowledge a supportive learning environment that encourages engagement and academic excellence.