To-do lists

How great are to-do lists? I love them. They help you organise your thoughts and achieve your goals. I recently started one at the end of the last exam period to help get through the mountain of personal tasks I had been putting off during semester.

My Mum once told me that to-do lists are so powerful because you get to cross off the tasks as you complete them and receive gratification in doing so. I do think there is psychological benefit in being able to act out the completion of your task (either by a tick or cross), and I love the feeling of satisfaction when I am able to do so.

If you’re looking for some to-do list inspiration, here are some ideas to jazz up your organisation:

  • Stick up post-it notes around the house depending on the location / theme of the task (i.e. post-it note on the vanity cupboard that needs organising)
  • Take photos / screenshots of what you need to do and keep it in an album on your phone
  • Stick up a list near your front door so you are always reminded of what you need to do when you enter / leave home
  • Colour code your written or electronic to-do list with traffic light colours (i.e. red = urgent, orange = sooner, rather than later, green = can wait)
  • Set reminders in your phone calendar to pop up when you’ll have time or need to do the task
  • Use the reminders app in your phone (if you have an iphone) to sync your calendar and reminders together
  • Download a customised to-do list app (there are heaps to choose from!)

How do you organise your tasks? Do you use a to-do list or something similar?

Tagged in Student life