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Frances Ha and The Big Picture
One way in which I enjoy reckoning with film history is through film podcasts.
Review: The Heights
When I told a friend I was watching The Heights on ABC, she referred to it as ‘ABC Neighbours,’ after the long-running Channel 10 soap. I thought this was a pretty funny and pretty fair characterisation of the show, now entering its second season.
Puppetry of the penis – body shame

My house mates and I thought it might be fun to check out "Puppetry of the Penis".
Review: Longshot
Directed by Jonathon Levine and staring Charlize Theron and Seth Rogan, the 2019 romantic-comedy Longshot about a Secretary of State falling in love with a slouchy speechwriter, somewhat disappeared from the cultural radar not long after its release. This is a shame.
Should I get an axolotl?
I love axolotls. They have mushy little faces and look like miniature underwater lions. But would they make good pets and company?
Gaga and Oprah
If you’re like me, you probably have complicated feelings about celebrities. I can acknowledge the systems that produce celebrity: rampant capitalism, an at times cult-like worship and an underlying commodification of the self are all preconditions for celebrity in the 21st century.
How refreshing are waterfalls?

I'm looking for some waterfalls in South Australia, but where can I find them?
We are living in a digital age (just in case you hadn't noticed). When people point that out to me it usually feels like such a mundane observation. My gut response is that computers aren't anything remarkable, I use them every day