Messaging My Grandparents

I often get quite wrapped up in my own life and forget to think about getting in contact with the family members who I don't see on a daily basis. That includes my grandparents. I do see my grandparents, but it's usually limited to special occasions like weddings, birthdays and Christmas. It suddenly occurred to me that it would probably mean a lot to my grandparents if I just sent a short email to show that I was thinking of them.

Why haven't I gotten into the habit of doing this? I think there's a range of reasons. For one thing, I'm still outgrowing the edginess of adolescents, who often view valuing family as an embarrassing thing. I've come to the realisation that this is wrong.

Partly I feel like I'm too busy, and partly because I feel like my grandparents must be too busy. I have to study, and cook dinner, and do housework, and just generally get on top of everything. I just don't feel like I have the time. 

I also don't want to be a bother to them and give them things to do that they don't want to. What if they aren't interested in hearing from me? I don't want to be a nuisance.

Except I'd only really need to spend a few minutes on it, so I'm not actually too busy. I also wouldn't write that much, so it wouldn't be too much of a bother to read.

I think it would mean a lot just that small gesture, the attempt at connection, showing care. I'd want the occasional unprompted message from my grandchildren if I was a grandparent. So I typed out a little something in just a few minutes, and hopefully I made them smile.

Cartoon grandma with phone.

Image accessed from Pixabay on 7 April 2020.

Tagged in Student life, What messes with your head