Lockdown 2.0

After another great semester two, I have felt as if I have settled back into a seemingly normal university life. Rather than finishing the year on a high, the pandemic decided to keep us on our toes as it always does with yet another outbreak. In the space of a couple of days my daily life was flipped upside down and turned on its head. I found myself frantically downloading work from the computer at university and making sure my pantry was okay for a couple of dinners and heading out in search of a good book with my partner. In the space of the day I found myself questioning my plans to visit my family during the break, my plans to celebrate my friend’s birthday and go on a trip in South Australia.
However, I don’t feel angry about this, maybe just a little disheartened. I think in many ways the brief lockdown is a blessing in disguise. I would much rather 6 days instead of 6 months. It is harsh and it will be boring and tough, but the alternative is not a road that would be easy or worthwhile travelling.
So, whilst I’ve been sitting inside for a couple of days I’ve been taking the chance to brush up on my language learning, catch up on my cleaning (literally my whole room and apartment), doing 10 pushups every time I eat a cookie (from that BIG packet of cookies which I regret buying) and anything else I can think of to keep busy. Other than this, I am just cooking every chance I get and catching up on my sleep. It’s not all bad and I’m confident that better days are ahead.
What is your go to plan when you are in lockdown?