Looking back on 2020

What a year 2020 has been! A year unlike any other I have ever known. I’ve been trapped inside, out and about, had fun, changed so many plans and made new ones. I’ve had great hope and lost it at times too. 2021 landing on our doorstep fills me with both a mixture of excitement and dread. However, when I look back on 2020 it is the good times that come to mind. Here are just a few…

Reuniting with friends

Distance can certainly make you forgot how much fun and freedom you can have with friends. During the lockdown throughout semester one and online learning it became clear how much challenging distance can be and what you're missing out on. What makes it even better is when you reach out and reconnect, something that has happened a lot in 2020!

Being on campus

Being away from campus can make you miss the simple things and coming back sure made me want to make the most of it! It is great to learn together and hang around for a union event (not to mention the unibar and cold rolls in the hub)!

The zooms

Zoom calls may not be everyone’s favourite, but I am looking back on all the dumb zoom calls with friends, the D and D sessions, the calls with family and the boring classes, and it just makes me smile. This is not to say that I would like this mode of communication to stay constant, but what a world we live in. 

The buzz

In some crazy way, I can’t help but feel a bit nostalgic towards the uncertainty and the buzz I constantly felt during 2020. The moving back and forth, the changed flights, the moving in and out, the packing and unpacking, the lockdown and opening up, the late nights and the midnight trips to the corner bakery when all seemed lost (no more jelly cakes for me in 2021!). As I reflect on 2020, it has certainly been crazy and chaotic, but the world is still spinning and there is still another year in front of us. Do you feel any nostalgia for 2020? Or are you glad to see it behind you?

Tagged in resilience, What messes with your head