Winter wonders (also things happening in July)

Whale tail diving

Whale tail diving

I thought I’d never say this but here it is; I like winter time.

I grew up in the tropics and found it really hard to adjust to the overcast days and chilly nights. I still find wriggling into an 8mm-wetsuit very challenging but it’s the only way I’ll be able to do any diving during the cold months. I’m enjoying winter for it brings hearty meals, cosy evenings spent in front of a warm fire, hot chocolate, and the whale season, when southern right whales and humpback whales migrate here from sub-Antarctic waters. Just a week ago, a mum and her newborn calf were spotted just 200 metres from the shore off Christie’s Beach. I’ve always marvelled at how little we know about the lives of these mighty mammals especially when they are so much like us.

“Whales’ alliances, their intricate conversations, and how they attract mates or care for their young seem eerily familiar. The mysteries we’re unravelling beneath the waves reveal creatures a lot like us.” - Craig Welch

Like us, whales and dolphins have close-knit social groups and engage in cooperative hunting and rearing of their young. A strong maternal bond ensures that the calf receives protection, nourishment and skill development. Dolphins have also been observed to display mourning behaviour for members of their family.

Cetacean is the taxonomic order which whales and dolphins are categorised under, and because this isn’t meant to be an essay for a Biology course, I won’t say anymore. Instead, I wanted to relish in the fact that we’re so lucky to have them so close to us here. We also have about 30 wild dolphins who reside in the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary, which is only about 20 minutes from the city. It’s easily accessible through Port Adelaide and there are several land-based, self-guided walking tours you can go on for dolphin-watching. The water might be a tad chilly, but you can also go kayaking and paddleboarding. You can wander into the SA Maritime Museum too before you duck into the local brewery. 

If the water’s not something you’re too keen on, there’s also Illuminate Adelaide happening this month, which will take place all over the city streets and laneways. It fuses music, art, light and technology.

Here are other wonderful winter events you might like to look up:


Tagged in What messes with your head, winter, holidays