News: comedy

Another fringe season

Festival confetti in the air above a crowd of hands

And just like that, the Fringe is over! Literally weeks of events, shows, street life, busking and festivities and it has finally come to a close for another year.

[Read more about Another fringe season]

Conquering public speaking

A microphone

"The top two things that scare people are death and public speaking, we're going to be tackling one of those today". These were the words of my instructor for a recent stand up comedy workshop event I participated in.

[Read more about Conquering public speaking ]

Racism in comedy: where do we draw the line?

In the face of radical shift in the way we talk about race, the question of ‘where do we draw the line?’ seems to be a popular one.

[Read more about Racism in comedy: where do we draw the line?]

Recommendation: Have you been paying attention

One of my favourite things to watch on TV each week is Channel 10’s comedy quiz show Have You Been Paying Attention (HYBPA).

[Read more about Recommendation: Have you been paying attention]

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