News: love

Pet therapy

A ragdoll cat lies on a rug.

Returning home after having to isolate, I was incredibly happy to reunite with my cat. 

[Read more about Pet therapy ]

Be there for yourself & others

friends hugging

So, you have a loved one who is struggling with mental health, and you want to be there for them as much as you can. But you’re not sure what’s the best way to be there for them without burning yourself out. So here are a few tips to make sure you’re looking after yourself as well as you’re the person you’re helping.

[Read more about Be there for yourself & others]

Knowing your love language

paper heart garland

Feeling loved and appreciated is an incredible feeling. Continue reading for my thoughts on the 'love languages'.

[Read more about Knowing your love language]

Why is dating so hard?

couple sitting on a step laughing

I don't know whether it's because of covid or it's just me but dating is really hard. I'm in my 20s, I'm young, I’m fun, I’m busy, I've grown to love myself and be self-aware, I know how to look after myself and not put a relationship in front of everything else, I have a lot of free time, I know what I want, it should be easy right? Unfortunately no, its not.

[Read more about Why is dating so hard?]

Everything I know about love

paper heart garland

For the past month or so I have been burying my face in this yellow paperback on my commutes to uni and before bed – it’s a book called Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton.

[Read more about Everything I know about love ]

The power of love languages

The Love Language concept is more than just a personality quiz; it creates a framework for better communication with those you love. Here's how.

[Read more about The power of love languages ]

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