News: malaysia
Growing International Linkages through Australia Awards Fellowships

The University of Adelaide has been successful with three submissions from the latest round of Australia Awards Fellowships, which will promote collaboration with a number of international partners across India, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
[Read more about Growing International Linkages through Australia Awards Fellowships ]
Senior Executive Mission visits Southeast Asia

Senior delegates from the University of Adelaide, including Professor Jessica Gallagher, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) and representatives from the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics, recently embarked on a Senior Executive Mission to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
[Read more about Senior Executive Mission visits Southeast Asia]
2021 StudyAdelaide International Student Awards

The University of Adelaide proudly congratulates our international students who were acknowledged at the 2021 StudyAdelaide International Student Awards on 14 October.
[Read more about 2021 StudyAdelaide International Student Awards]
Australia/Malaysia webinar series

A University of Adelaide professor will be speaking as part of a series of webinars to share experiences on the delivery of online education and research during COVID-19 and discuss sustainable, innovative approaches to quality online education for a future beyond the current pandemic settings.
International Student Awards - Oscar Ong

Oscar Ong, University of Adelaide SRC President, was given a High Commendation in the Support and Advocacy category of the StudyAdelaide International Student Awards.
Six UofA students awarded at International Student Awards

StudyAdelaide recently announced the winners and highly commended students of their annual International Student Awards. Six University of Adelaide students received awards for their achievements.
[Read more about Six UofA students awarded at International Student Awards]
#InThisTogether story - Asirah

As COVID-19 restrictions lift, StudyAdelaide spoke to Asirah about how she coped during Semester 1 and her excitement to return to campus in Semester 2.
PVC(I) Visits Multicultural Week Event
On Monday 17 August, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), Professor Jacqueline Lo, attended activities held in Hub Central for the beginning of Multicultural Week.