Times Higher Education Campus+ partnership

The University of Adelaide has entered into a partnership arrangement with THE Campus+ which provides a platform for academic and professional staff to disseminate insights and advice on key areas of higher education. 

THE Campus  aims to provide actionable resources for practitioners who wish to make enhancements in key areas of higher education, such as teaching and learning; impact and sustainability; internationalisation; early career research support; research management; equity, diversity and inclusion. The website also provides the space for the sharing of views about current topics and challenges in higher education delivery and enables connections with peers across the globe. 

Times HE

University of Adelaide academic and professional staff who wish to share their practice or engage in dialogue with peers on an international stage can submit resources (written or video) or opinion pieces. The Campus+ editorial team will provide guidance and support to prepare submissions for publishing.  

You can see pieces by the University of Adelaide staff on our institutional page.

Contributing to this platform is a great way to share your practice and would be useful evidence for internal or external teaching award applications. THE Campus content has attracted more than 800,000 page views and their newsletter is sent to more than 29,000 higher education professionals globally.

THE Campus have specific style requirements for the written and video resources and opinion pieces which are outlined in these guides . You will save yourself considerable time if you read these carefully before starting your submission. 

You can pitch an idea or submit a draft piece on a wide range of higher education topics at any time. THE Campus will also make fortnightly calls for content on specific topics.

Please contact the Teaching Excellence team to discuss your ideas for submission or if you have any questions. 

It is recommended that you access the THE Campus contributor terms and conditions relating to contributions.

THE Campus spotlight topics and schedule 

  • Due 1 July - Attracting and retaining racial- and ethnic-minority staff/academics/leaders in higher education

    Attracting and retaining racial- and ethnic-minority staff/academics/leaders in higher education Practical advice from and for HE professionals on:

    • How to ensure fair and non-biased recruitment processes
    • How to prevent microaggressions
    • Strategies to remove the burden of representation responsibilities from minority staff
    • Cultivating a strong talent pipeline
    • Creating a sense of belonging and pride
    • Beyond mentorship: new ways to empower minority staff
    • Navigating the language of diversity
    • Creating safe spaces and support systems
      Deadline for content: Monday, 1 July
  • Due 15 July - Serving the post-Covid generation

    Serving the post-Covid generation Practical advice from and for HE professionals on:

    • Innovative and sustainable ideas to move blended learning forward
    • Supporting Gen Z students with mental health issues such as anxiety
    • Techniques to build students’ social skills
    • Teaching skills for the IRL classroom
    • Tips for encouraging in-person attendance
    • Teaching handwriting to undergraduates
    • Meeting students where they are on concerns such as climate change
    • Making up for Covid learning loss
    • Engaging the TikTok generation
    • Designing authentic assessment
    • Assessing the AI literacy of “digital natives”
      Deadline for content: Monday, 15 July
  • Due 29 July - Getting back to the basics of pedagogical theory

    Getting back to the basics of pedagogical theory Practical advice from and for HE professionals on teaching or using:

    • higher-order thinking
    • metacognition
    • Bloom’s taxonomy
    • retrieval practice
    • Maslov’s hierarchy
    • zone of proximate development
    • reflective practice
    • scaffolding
    • AI-aware pedagogies
    • active learning
    • student-centred learning

    Deadline for content: Monday, 29 July

Previous submission topics

  • Due 17 June - Should I become an administrator?

    Should I become an administrator? Practical advice from and for HE professionals on:

    • Managing tensions after promotion with former faculty colleagues
    • Skills required to be a good manager 
    • How to make the decision to switch from academic to administrator?
    • Should I become a dean?
    • How to manage faculty relations 
    • How can faculty and administrators work better together?
    • The challenges and rewards of moving into administration
      Deadline for content: Monday, 17 June
  • Due 3 June - Ensuring students are workplace ready

    Ensuring students are workplace ready Practical advice from and for HE professionals on: 

    • Increasing employability in students
    • How to integrate apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships with your institution and industry
    • How to design microcredentials
    • Advice for making credential wallets work
    • How to teach students online and in-person interview skills
    • Integrating emerging professional technologies like AI into the curriculum
    • Preparing for jobs that don’t yet exist
    • How to teach soft skills for the modern workplace

    Deadline for content: Monday, 3 June

  • Due 20 May - Tackling the PhD thesis

    Tackling the PhD thesis Practical advice and insight from and for HE professionals on:

    • Writing tips
    • Time management
    • How to structure your thesis
    • How to write a thesis/dissertation in three months
    • How to write an abstract
    • What to do after it’s finished
    • Understanding the PhD thesis in your country
    • How to prepare for a viva voce or doctoral defence of your thesis
    • What to do when motivation flags
    • Tips for managing referencing and bibliography

    Deadline for content: Monday, 20 May

  • Due 6 May - Indigenous voices in higher education

    Indigenous voices in higher education Practical advice from and for HE professionals on:

    • How to integrate Indigenous knowledge into curricula
    • Insights and lessons from Indigenous-serving institutions
    • Case studies from Indigenous centres on campuses
    • How to support and retain more Indigenous students in higher education
    • How to recruit and promote more Indigenous staff in universities
    • Involving Indigenous communities in research
    • Amplifying Indigenous voices and scholarship
      Deadline for content: Monday, 6 May