ADEPT – Explicitly teaching employability. Marking it WORK for you and your students Workshop

With employment outcomes a key performance indicator for government funding, academic staff are under increasing pressure to address employability content in curriculum.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a graduate focused employability portal available which could be easily blended with academic content and tailored to each discipline?

This interactive zoom workshop will introduce academic colleagues to our gold standard interactive professional skills development portal, which has been adopted by leading universities around the world.

Presenters Michelle McKinnon and Sharon Scott will demonstrate how this innovative “career skills” platform can be seamlessly integrated into curriculum to assess students’ employability, further develop key skills and provide tailored content with assessment on career competencies.

Participants will have the opportunity to experience the portal from both the student and academic perspective and discuss how it could be introduced into their discipline area.

Dr Cristian Birzer (School of Mechanical Engineering) and Dr Kathyn Bowd (School of Humanities) will share their approaches to using the portal in their courses.