Discovery Learning (Blended module) - ADEPT session

Discovery learning is a student -centred pedagogy, supporting and encouraging students to develop understanding and build their own knowledge in a supportive and safe environment.

In this module you will learn how discovery learning can be used in a variety of disciplines and contexts. Best practice examples from across the University will demonstrate that discovery can be used as an effective framework to motivate students and enhance learning outcomes.

By the end of the module, you will have planned and had feedback on a new or existing teaching activity based in discovery learning. (Previously Inquiry-based Learning) 

Session Dates:   
Monday 21 February  2.00pm - 4.00pm  
Wednesday 23 February  2.00pm - 4.00pm

Please contact us should you have any questions.

Registrations close Wednesday 16 February, 2022 - midday.

The Adelaide Development Program for Educators and Professionals who Teach (ADEPT) provides academic and professional staff in teaching, and support for teaching roles, with the opportunity to develop their capabilities, knowledge, and skills to create and deliver contemporary, student-focused and collaborative learning experiences for students


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