Policy modifications to assist staff during the pandemic

Some of the University’s academic policies have required temporary modification in order to support staff and students during the pandemic.
These changes became effective on 27 April 2020.
Story presented by the Learning Quality Support team (LQS)
Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy
Requirements for students to provide documentation and authorised signatures in support of their application for a modified arrangement have been removed, in recognition of the fact that they may be unable to obtain these during the current pandemic. Instead, students will be able to provide a personal statement explaining their circumstances and provide supporting documentation if it is available. The application forms required to apply for a modified arrangement have been updated to reflect the above. In addition, the revised form confirms that issues such as employment commitments and childcare, which would not normally be considered by the University as being eligible grounds for a modified arrangement, will be considered by the University if related to the COVID-19 impact.
Modified Arrangements for COursework Assessment (MACA) Policy
Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy
The policy was updated to reflect recently approved grading adjustments and also to confirm that assessment tasks and weightings can be changed after teaching commences if the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) determines that exceptional circumstances exist.
Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy
Policy Alerts
The following ‘policy alerts’ have been temporarily added to relevant policies:
‘This policy has been modified as part of the University’s efforts to support students and staff during a period of significant disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These modifications may be revised as conditions change’
‘In order to support students and staff and ensure their safety during the period of significant disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, any meetings required under this policy should proceed using an agreed communication medium, such as videoconference or teleconference. Face to face meetings should be avoided due to the risk of coronavirus transmission’.
What’s new?
A Working Group has been established to develop a new Transnational Education Policy. This new policy will ensure that the University has transnational education partnerships that align with the strategic directions of the University; meet compliance requirements; are financially viable; and are consistent with the academic standards of the University, as set out in University policies.