Peer Support - never more valuable!
Reaching out for support and guidance from our peers is a natural human instinct.
After all, the best advice is often provided by those who have been there before. During the current period of rapid change and required agility peer support has never been more valuable.
In an organisation as large as the University of Adelaide however, it can be challenging locating and connecting with fellow teaching staff should you want to bounce an idea off someone or undertake a more critically reflective approach to the development of your teaching practice.
Three options you may wish to explore are listed below:
Teaching Review Program (TRP)
If you are looking for supporting evidence to assist you in applying for an individual University teaching award, academic promotion (excluding research-only), or conversion to an Education Specialist appointment, the Teaching Review Program (TRP) has been designed for this purpose. A TRP observation can be completed in a face to face class or in the online environment. The aim of this type of peer review observation is to demonstrate effective teaching practice and provide a summative evaluation.
Applications for Round 2, 2020 of the TRP are currently open, with submissions closing on Friday 26 June, 2020. More information on how to apply for the program can be found on the website.

Peer Assisted Reflection and Development Program (PARD-P)
If you require a greater level of feedback the PARD-P model would be more suited to you. PARD-P is our formative evaluation program for peer review of teaching. Administered at a Faculty level it encourages teaching staff to take a critically reflective approach to their teaching practice for developmental purposes.
Each Faculty has tailored this program to the unique needs of their teaching staff but the basic concept is the same - peer exchange aimed toward enhancing the quality of teaching practice. The program is open to all teaching staff and caters for early, mid and experienced professional development needs.
Visit the website for more information regarding the program model and principles in addition to faculty contacts.
Rapid Peer Review
Recently launched in direct response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Rapid Peer Review is designed to help connect you with your peers during the transition to and ongoing practice of remote learning. This program has no timelines so staff are free to join and leave the group as they require.
Visit the website to learn more and submit your details to join the program.

Some members of the Adelaide College of Reviewers at the 2019 Teaching Awards
The Adelaide College of Reviewers
Looking to give back to your colleagues and your academic community?
The Adelaide College of Reviewers is currently looking to recruit reviewers who can support the Teaching Review Program (TRP). Reviewers from all faculties and campuses must be nominated by their Head of School and must be able to demonstrate teaching excellence. Staff who are invited to join the College of Reviewers must complete a simple online training program.
Contact for further information.