Improving the student learning experience through closing the loop on student feedback
One of the main tools used to collect student feedback at the University is the Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) system.
A set of resources have been developed to assist staff with the upcoming Program SELTs (end of August) and end of semester Course SELTS.
A collection of top tips for increasing SELT response rates has been provided by University Educators who have achieved consistently high SELT response rates. View this document along with other resources on the Getting and Using Student Feedback section of the Learning and Teaching website.
These resources provide a brief overview of the primary ways student feedback can be used to improve teaching and learning, discusses the various types of student feedback available to staff, offers some recommendations for best practice, and raises some questions for discussion.

- SELT use and interpretation guide
- SELT promo slide deck for staff
- Getting and using student feedback guide
- Top Tips on increasing SELT response rates
SELT surveys are only one of the necessary components for making informed decisions about improving student learning outcomes. Other methods, such as reflective practice and peer review, student assessment results and teaching portfolios should also be considered when evaluating your teaching.
You are encouraged to reach out to members of the Adelaide Education Academy in your School or Faculty for advice and mentoring. A variety of free professional development opportunities are also available including webinars, ADEPT sessions and the Rapid Peer Review program.
Be sure to regularly check the events page on the Learning and Teaching site to take advantage of these opportunities.