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This is how I teach

First presented in 1991, Stephen Cole the Elder Awards were established through bequest made to the University of Adelaide by a descendant of Stephen Cole the Elder, pioneer South Australian colonist. We spoke to this year’s deserving winners about what they enjoy about teaching, their teaching philosophy and how they have managed during an extremely challenging 2020.
Peer Assisted Courtroom Sessions - a PASS success story

In mid-2019, Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Leader Jesse Beckinsale approached Peer Learning Programs Coordinator Chelsea Avard with an idea to support University of Adelaide Law students in developing advocacy skills and developing networks with students in their cohort.
[Read more about Peer Assisted Courtroom Sessions - a PASS success story]
Indigenous Support in the University Library

Since May of 2019, the University Library Indigenous Support Librarian, Renee Johnson has been building a portfolio to connect and support the learning and teaching aspirations of the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff and researchers, with a strong emphasis on stakeholder engagement and maintaining an effective working relationship with Wirtlu Yarlu Aboriginal Education.
[Read more about Indigenous Support in the University Library]