Community of Practice in Focus - eLearning
Technology is increasingly being used to facilitate active learning and collaboration, to better engage and support students via richer learning experiences and to accommodate the needs and expectations of students from different cultural backgrounds, with different learning styles, across different study contexts.

Dr Rebecca Vivian (Co-Facilitator eLearning CoP)
The eLearning Community of Practice is a community for academic and professional staff interested in the development of digital learning resources, the transition of courses from face-to-face to online delivery, MOOCs, and/or evaluation of the impact of e-learning strategies on student learning.
The eCoP (as it is known) has launched into 2021 with a bang - holding four meetings to date. Since the shift to online meetings from March 2020 the eCoP have enjoyed a high level of engagement. As Co-Facilitator Dr Rebecca Vivian noted “we found that (this format) gives us a chance to model and experience the tools that we can use with students too!”
Face-to-face meetings also play an important role and the group try to schedule some throughout the year. As Rebecca says “the desire for staff to catch up in person and the incidental conversations between members are valuable. We have a flexible, drop-in anytime approach so members can join around their commitments. We also have an MS Teams Group space for help-seeking and sharing resources between meetings, and a MyUni page to test and showcase eCoP member resources”.
Members of the eCoP include academics and professional staff from across all areas of the University. Co-Facilitator Dr Jessica Viven-Wilksch added “we are very lucky to have Library staff and LEI experts Kym Schultz and Eman Rashwan who keep us updated and provide ideas and support to our members as they share challenges and ideas”.

Dr Jessica Viven-Wilksch (Co-Facilitator eLearning CoP)
eCoP members also play an active role on many University committees. Co-Facilitator, Rebecca Vivian, sits on the University’s Digital Learning Innovation Committee, providing a link between the e-learning community and what is happening at a strategic level. The group have also had many opportunities over the years to provide feedback into strategic initiatives and policy. As Rebecca says, the eCoP “like to keep our finger on the pulse of all things e-learning at UoA and we invite people to come and speak or update our members. This year we’ve provided feedback to ADEPT, the Learning Technologies Roadmap 2021, and heard about pilot opportunities with e-learning tools and the Library. Our members champion what they learn and any updates in their work areas.”
One important achievement for the group this year has been the development of their MyUni page which now has a range of resources available for members. One such resource has Jessica completing a demonstration using Vivi in blended modes of teaching in Lecture theatres – view the video.
The eCoP mix their meeting formats and days, alternating Tuesdays and Fridays every month, to cater for different preferences and schedules.
Their next meeting is at the UniBar on Friday June 11, from 11am until 1pm. All are welcome!
To learn more about this vibrant Community of Practice please visit the website or contact Facilitators Dr Jessica Viven-Wilksch or Dr Rebecca Vivian.