Life is easier with Course Readings

Life is easier with Course Readings

Are you looking for a new way to provide a reading list to your students? Are you using a PDF list to let your students know what they need to find? There is a better way and it’s available directly in your MyUni course!

Course Readings is automatically available in all MyUni courses and allows you to give students access to their learning resources directly within MyUni. 

Course Readings makes it easy to manage copyright compliance and is the designated system for sharing journal articles, book chapters, music recordings and other third party copyright material with students. It also  integrates with Library Search, allowing you to easily find library materials to add to your reading lists. You can add online resources, print materials, and even openly accessible online content such as videos and webpages.

Through Course Readings you can also:

  • add and tag your textbook so that the Library can source copies for your class
  • request items to be moved to the High Use (short loan) collection to maximise student access
  • request the Library digitise a portion of a book to be made available online
  • request new items to be purchased for your course (we will source the item in electronic format if available)
  • add Kanopy videos being used in your teaching so the Library can review and update access
Course Readings - MyUni

To get started:

  1. Access Course Readings from the navigation in your MyUni course
  2. Create a new list from the available templates or, if you’ve used Course Readings before, roll-over an existing list to re-use it for the new teaching period
  3.  Add items for each week/class
  4. Click Send List so the Library can begin processing any items that need intervention
  5. Click Publish to make your Reading List live for students to use

It’s that easy! You don’t have to create your whole list all at once – just complete what you can, hit Send List, then Publish when you are ready.

You can continue to add to the list as the semester moves on. Items that can be made available immediately (like online articles, for example) will be automatically approved, while items that need to be digitised, purchased, moved, or undergo copyright assessment will start being processed by the Library’s Course Readings team.

Find a host of support materials on the Library’s Course Readings webpage.

For more support, contact the Library team by emailing

Tagged in MyUni, #course readings, #library