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Improve student writing with help from the Writing Centre

Writing Centre

Would you like your students to write with verve and clarity?

[Read more about Improve student writing with help from the Writing Centre]

Facilitating student engagement with WIL

Associate Professor Anne Hewitt

WIL is becoming increasingly common in the Australia tertiary education landscape. However, not all students find it easy to secure a WIL placement or to take time off from paid work and afford accommodation/travel to complete one.

[Read more about Facilitating student engagement with WIL]

New members of the AEA in 2022

AEA logo

Established in 2016, the Adelaide Education Academy (AEA) aims to promote, support and recognise teaching excellence across the University of Adelaide.  AEA membership is by application only, with expressions of interest open from October each year.

[Read more about New members of the AEA in 2022]

This is how I teach

Professor Paul Babie

This month we spoke to Professor Paul Babie, Associate Dean of Law (International) and Director of the Research Unit for the Study of Society, Ethics, and Law, at the Adelaide Law School. 

[Read more about This is how I teach]

Learning Assets Database

Learning Assets Database

Learning Enhancement and Innovation and the University Library have created a database of interactive learning assets, ready to use!

[Read more about Learning Assets Database]

Rooms allocated for lecture streaming 2022

To assist lecturers who need to use lecture streaming or recording, a number of locations have been allocated for this purpose and have been equipped with the requisite AV in preparation for Semester 1 teaching.

[Read more about Rooms allocated for lecture streaming 2022]

Life is easier with Course Readings

Course Readings - MyUni

Are you looking for a new way to provide a reading list to your students? Are you using a PDF list to let your students know what they need to find? There is a better way and it’s available directly in your MyUni course!

[Read more about Life is easier with Course Readings]

Professor Jennie Shaw - Learning and Teaching News

Professor Jennie Shaw

Colleagues, congratulations on navigating one of the most challenging years for teaching and learning in our history. This week we celebrate the outstanding achievements of our latest university-wide teaching award recipients—and what a fitting way to close 2021.

[Read more about Professor Jennie Shaw - Learning and Teaching News]

Welcoming new faces to the library

Becky Eley

Recently the University Library team has welcomed two new Liaison Librarians.

[Read more about Welcoming new faces to the library]

Using primary sources in your teaching

Barr Smith Library

As well as their rich range of physical and electronic books and journals, the University Library provides access to a number of collections of digitised primary source archives. The well-structured nature of these collections and accompanying thematic guides makes them an especially approachable entry point for students inexperienced with primary source archives.

[Read more about Using primary sources in your teaching]

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