Animal Ethics Applications

Guidelines & procedures for the submission of animal ethics applications.

Submit or amend application eform 'how-to' guides

All University personnel who wish to use animals for teaching, research or experimentation must obtain ethical approval from the University of Adelaide Animal Ethics Committee prior to any use or involvement with animals, irrespective of where they are located, where animals may be housed or used, or of the source of funding.

The use of animals for teaching, research or experimentation is regulated by State legislation, the South Australian Animal Welfare Act 1985. The University of Adelaide Animal Ethics Committee must ensure that all animal care and use is conducted in compliance with the Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (8th Edition 2013) and that it incorporates the principle of the three R's - Replacement, Reduction and Refinement.

Student projects must also receive University of Adelaide ethical clearance.

Note: Please read the Guidelines & Applications sections carefully prior to applying for Animal Ethics Approval.

The following resources provide the necessary legislative & advisory framework for University personnel to adequately prepare an animal ethics application:

  • Animal Ethics Committee animal users handbook

    The University of Adelaide adheres to the Animal Welfare Act (1985), the Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes, and other relevant animal welfare Codes of Practice.

    The animal user's handbook has been developed to assist scientific investigators and teachers to achieve the goals of the Australian Code, and to promote the humane and ethical use of animals for scientific purposes.

    The Animal User's Handbook provides essential information for all who are involved in University research and teaching involving animals.

    The University expects new applicants in particular to consult the Animal User's Handbook prior to submitting proposals for ethical clearance.

    See also:

    Record keeping requirements

    Scavenging/collection of animal materials

  • Australian Code & NHMRC guidelines

    Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes - 8th edition (2013)

    The purpose of the Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition 2013 (the Code) is to promote the ethical, humane and responsible care and use of animals used for scientific purposes.

    The ethical framework and governing principles set out in the Code provide guidance for investigators, teachers, institutions, animal ethics committees and all people involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes.

    The Code emphasises the responsibilities of investigators, teachers, and institutions when using animals, in order to:

    • ensure that the use of animals is justified, taking into consideration the scientific or educational benefits and the potential effects on the welfare of the animals;
    • ensure that the welfare of the animals is always considered;
    • promote the development and use of techniques that replace the use of animals in scientific and teaching activities;
    • minimise the number of animals used in projects; and
    • refine methods and procedures to avoid pain or distress in animals used in scientific and teaching activities.

    Further information

    New resources will be added as they become available. Please refer to the NHMRC website frequently to keep apprised of new information.

  • South Australian Animal Welfare Act (1985)

    The use of animals for teaching, research or experimentation is regulated by State legislation - the South Australian Animal Welfare Act 1985.

    The University of Adelaide is licensed under the Act to acquire and use animals only when approval has been granted by its Animal Ethics Committee (AEC).

    No animal may be held or used for any purpose until written approval has been obtained from the Committee.

  • Replacement, reduction, & refinement (the 3 R's)

    The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) Three Rs microsite has been published on the CCAC website.

    The CCAC Three Rs microsite aims to provide those involved with the use of animals in science with easily accessible, useful, and relevant information and resources on the Three Rs - replacement, reduction and refinement alternatives.

    This microsite will be continually evolving and the CCAC encourages visitors to check back regularly to view new additions to the site.

Application for ethical approval is made using the University of Adelaide AEC online form.

Access to the online form is controlled using the same username and password as your University email account. All applications are to be submitted on the online form, including when dual clearance is required (see below).

Please review the guidelines, policies and clearance requirements prior to submitting your application for animal ethics approval.

  • Overview of submission process


    Two faculty-based Animal Ethics Committees, Science and Medical, meet to consider all applications for ethical approval including amendment or variation to existing clearances.


    There are separate deadlines for the two committees for submission of applications.


    Before you create a new application or minor amendment please read the Guidelines and relevant application information. Guideline/help information is included in the form.


    To create a new application login to the ResearchMaster system.

    To amend an existing approved project contact the AEC Secretariat (T) 8313 4417 or (E), then login to the new ResearchMaster system and create a new minor amendment application.


    The online form consists of a series of pages each containing one or more questions. Uploading of attachments is part of the process online.


    Once the online form sections are completed submit online. Submit applications prior to advised deadlines.


    An online preview (Pre-Screen) takes place before a final version of the application is submitted. Pre-screen preview will take place during a 2 week period.


    System generated emails will be sent regarding acknowledgements, instructions and requests for further information and revision or subsequent actions. It is important to note that all correspondence is online within the application. You may be required to provide additional information and revise your application online.


    If you are required to respond to queries from the Secretariat or AWO during the Pre-screen stage you need to ensure that you resubmit your application online ensuring all attachments are included. Note that you are not required to submit a signed PDF version of the application at the submit/resubmit stage.


    The last date for submission of final version applications for each meeting is listed in the deadlines tab. Applications submitted after deadlines will be held until the next round of business.


    Applications are sent to AEC members 2 weeks prior to each meeting. Copies for the AEC will be made by Research Services.


    After the AEC has considered your application you may be required to respond to queries. Ensure that all information is provided, attachments included and that you resubmit your application online. Following review of the resubmitted application.


    All subsequent project documentation will be available to you within the record online.


    To access an application previously approved by the AEC for a project completed before 31 December 2008 please contact the AEC Secretariat.

  • Writing your application

    Written proposals should place before the Animal Ethics Committee sufficient information to satisfy the Committee that the proposed use of animals is justified and complies with the principles of replacement, reduction and refinement.

    Written proposals should be presented in a form that allows the Committee to easily assess information provided. They should be written in a manner that can be understood by all members of the Committee, and must identify the impact of all sections of the proposal on animals used and means by which the impact will be minimised.

    The application form seeks information from applicants in order to meet the requirements of the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th Edition 2013 (refer to chapter 2.7). Applicants should be familiar with the contents of the Code before completing the application form.

    Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting an application for ethical approval to the Animal Ethics Committee.

    Animal Welfare Officer

    The Animal Welfare Officer will be pleased to provide veterinary advice and technical assistance. Applicants for ethical approval may find it useful to contact the Animal Welfare Officer in the planning stages prior to submission to the Committee.

  • Application Guidance

    Checklist used by the AEC - developed to assist the AEC review animal ethics applications. The AEC has made this available to researchers to help assist when preparing animal ethics applications.

    The Quick Guide to compiling research applications  has been developed by the University Veterinarians to assist researchers with the style of answers that the AEC requires and thus help them to compile an application that is more likely to be favourably considered, and more rapidly approved, by the AEC.

  • Training Framework – Guide for researcher responsibilities for training and AEC expectations

    The Training Framework – Guide for researcher responsibilities for training and AEC expectations has been developed by the University Veterinarians to assist researchers identify their responsibilities for training, demonstration of competency and also provides an overview of training processes. The AEC requires this information so if it is included in the application it will assist the application to be more rapidly approved by the AEC.

  • Breeding Application Guidelines

    The Laboratory Rodent Breeding Guidelines has been developed by the AEC to assist researchers identify the difference between Breeding Colony Applications and Experimental Applications with guidance on the different information the AEC requires. The Guidelines also inform how to report animals used for breeding or experimental application in Annual Reports.

  • Dual clearance

    University personnel located within other institutions must apply to the University's Animal Ethics Committee as well as to the ethics committee of the other institution(s).

    University degree candidates located within other institutions require ethical clearance by the University's Animal Ethics Committee as well as the institutional committee at the place where research is conducted.

    • Advice for University of Adelaide staff and students working at SAHMRI requiring dual clearance
  • Student research

    In the case of a student project, the supervisor is to be the applicant with the student named as also involved. University degree candidates located at another institution require dual clearance (see above).

  • Undergraduate teaching projects

    Additional procedures apply to applications involving use of animals for undergraduate teaching.

    Please note that all proposals for animal use in teaching in which students are to interact with, or handle, animals or carry out a procedure on an animal must include details of:

    • the maximum number of students to be supervised by each teacher;
    • the minimum and maximum number of animals to be used by each student;
    • the maximum number of time each animal will be used; and
    • how the attainment of the educational objectives will be assessed.

    In addressing (4) the Committee requires a clear statement of the educational objectives for the teaching exercise accompanied by an assessment which clearly supports the request to use animals i.e. dissection skill, anatomical knowledge, etc.

  • Breeding colony establishment & maintenance

    Application for ethical approval to establish and maintain an animal breeding colony is made using the online Animal Ethics Committee application form, with an Application for Ethical Approval to Establish & Maintain an Animal Breeding Colony form provided as an attachment to the submission.

    The purpose of this form is to allow the Committee to be informed of the potential welfare implications of the animals you wish to introduce/breed. It also informs the AEC of the proportion of animals bred which are ultimately useful for your purpose (ie. the wastage rate). If the animals being bred are genetically modified, phenotype reporting is to be completed and submitted with the application.

    When a breeding colony of animals is permitted, animal production record-keeping and reporting requirements also apply.

  • GM & natural mutant animals - phenotype report

    When applying for animal ethics approval which includes the use of genetically modified (GM) or natural mutant animals, the Investigator should submit with their Application, a completed phenotype report.

    For those situations where a new* colony, breed or strain of animal is proposed to be used, the Committee requires further information to be supplied on the phenotype once this is available. This will require timely submission of:

    Following consideration of the information, the Committee may approve further use of the strain or may request a revision of the proposal.

    In addition to the phenotype report, the requirement to promptly report unexpected occurrences of animal morbidity or mortality to the Animal Ethics Committee applies to these projects.

    When a breeding colony of animals is permitted, animal production record-keeping and reporting requirements also apply.

    *the genetically modified animal strain has not previously been approved by the Committee

  • Clinical record sheet for animal monitoring

    Use of a clinical record sheet is expected for most research involving animals.

    Please include an example as an attachment to your application. Clinical record sheets should be tailored to the particulars of the project.

    See standard clinical record sheets for:

    Clinical record sheets and standard operating procedures are available on the Laboratory Animal Services website. 

  • Use of privately owned animals

    Informed owner consent must be obtained for use of privately owned animals for teaching or research purposes. The Animal Ethics Committee needs to receive a copy of the owner consent form or forms proposed, including the information provided to owners in a variety of circumstances.

    Templates of owner consent forms that can be tailored to best suit individual projects are given below.

    Once the project has commenced, the completed signed consent forms must be sent to the Animal Ethics Office

Applications received after listed dates will be held until the next round of business. Applicants should expect to receive feedback after the meeting within 10 working days.  

  • Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology applicants


    Animal Ethics Committee (SET) application dates 2024

    AEC(S) meeting

    Submission Deadline

    Resubmission Deadline following prescreen

    Committee meeting date (Thursday)

    1 5 Jan 2024 22 Jan 2024 1 Feb 2024
    2 16 Feb 2024 4 Mar 2024 14 Mar 2024
    3 5 Apr 2024 22 Apr 2024 2 May 2024
    4 17 May 2024 3 Jun 2024 13 Jun 2024
    5 28 Jun 2024 15 Jul 2024 25 Jul 2024
    6 2 Aug 2024 19 Aug 2024 29 Aug 2024
    7 20 Sep 2024 7 Oct 2024 17 Oct 2024
    8 1 Nov 2024 18 Nov 2024 28 Nov 2024


  • Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences applicants


    Animal Ethics Committee (HMS) application dates 2024

    AEC(M) meeting

    Submission Deadline

    Resubmission Deadline following prescreen

    Committee meeting date (Thursday)

    1 26 Jan 2024 12 Feb 2024 22 Feb 2024
    2 8 Mar 2024 25 Mar 2024 4 Apr 2024
    3 19 Apr 2024 6 May 2024 16 May 2024
    4 31 May 2024 17 Jun 2024 27 Jun 2024
    5 19 Jul 2024 5 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2024
    6 30 Aug 2024 16 Sep 2024 26 Sep 2024
    7 11 Oct 2024 28 Oct 2024 7 Nov 2024
    8 8 Nov 2024 25 Nov 2024 5 Dec 2024


Applicants will be notified of the application outcome within 10 business days from the meeting date. The consideration of an application by the AEC will usually result in one of the following outcomes:

  • The application is approved outright at a meeting with or without conditions.
  • Deferred decision (minor changes) – There were minor matters for clarification, the AEC deferred the decision and referred the matter to Executive for approval subject to satisfactory responses by the applicant. Once the applicant has responded to AEC feedback and resubmitted the application these responses are reviewed by the Executive and an outcome will be notified within 10 business days from date of resubmission.
  • Deferred decision (major changes) – The application requires major changes and is not approved as is, the AEC deferred the decision and requested resubmission to the next AEC meeting. Please refer to the submission deadlines and meeting dates on the AEC website to ensure inclusion at the next meeting, noting committee meetings are typically 6 weeks apart

After approval is processed, applicants should allow 5 working days for final endorsement from Head of School and Convenor before the application comes back for the declaration to be completed by all investigators. Please note that final approval is not valid until all investigators have signed the declaration and the application status changes to ‘approved’.

Decisions by the AEC regarding approval, modification or rejection of a proposal, or withdrawal of approval for a project are made in accord with Section 2, Paragraph 2.3.1– 2.3.16 of the Code and are usually made after consensus is reached by the AEC members. Scientific or teaching activities involving the use of animals must not start before receiving written approval and an animal ethics approval number from the AES. AEC approval is required before animal holding space is allocated and before animals are supplied. Ethical approval of a project does not guarantee that the animals, or space for holding them, will be available. It is for the Investigator’s responsibility to ensure this availability.

It is not uncommon for complex applications to need resubmission to a second ethics meeting; please ensure you take the above turnaround times into consideration when deciding the timing of your ethics application.

Animal Ethics – Interstate locations or collaborative research

If your animal ethics work involves interstate locations or collaboration with interstate institutions there are often extra licencing requirements The University of Adelaide must have in place before work can commence. These are often project specific and can take 4-6 weeks for the interstate departments to process. Please ensure when submitting your animal ethics applications you have accounted for this in your timeline for approval.  

It is necessary to apply to the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) for any amendments to existing approvals.

All amendment applications need to be submitted online via Research Master.

All applications for amendment are considered at scheduled AEC meetings unless the AEC has deemed it appropriate that the Executive can review. Please see the guide under each amendment criteria for what can be reviewed by the Executive. 

The Executive may also consider a minor amendment out of session (not a scheduled meeting) that is outside of the remit of the delegation. This is not normal practice but can happen when there is a strong case for urgency, or the delay of the amendment would have a direct welfare impact. The case for urgency should be provided in the amendment request in RM.

If the amendment is to be reviewed by the AEC, please submit by the published deadlines.

If the amendment is to be reviewed by the executive, it does not need to be submitted by the published deadlines.

Amendments to a project must be approved by the AEC before the amendment is proceeded with.

What is a minor amendment and who can approve?

Applications for a minor amendment are limited to changes that fit the criteria outlined below:

  • Time extension

    The maximum period for time extensions for the overall time of the project is 36 months. There is no limit on the number of time extension requests if total extra time requested is <3 years. The committee will only consider requests for 12 months or less per minor amendment request, although they acknowledge there may be exceptions. If work has not begun and expiry is within 6 months, a time extension may be considered, effective from the original expiry date.


    Amendment Who can approve Deadline
    First and second time extension request Executive None
    Third time extension request or if first or second time extension request are greater than 12 months AEC Published deadline for next AEC meeting
  • Change in animal numbers

    Significant increases in animal numbers may require a new application. As a guide the increase in animal numbers should be no more than 30% of the original total number of animals (per species) approved unless the amendment is for continuation of a project from a pilot study or otherwise directed after consultation with the AES and UV. I.e., The maximum number of animals approved should be no more than 30% of the original total number, not 30% after including the animals requested in the amendment.

    If more than approximately 30% of the original number of animals is required, a new application may be required, unless otherwise agreed by the AES and the UV. The AEC also has discretion as to whether a new application must be completed, they will take into consideration if the scientific justification as well as the welfare implications need to be newly addressed.


    Amendment Type  Who can approve Deadline
    Increase is less than 30% Executive None
    Approved animal no longer being used, provided there are no experimental implications Executive None
    Requesting remainder of animals for full study following a Pilot Study ONLY if specified by the AEC (this will be in your conditions of approval) Executive None
    All other cases AEC Published deadline for next AEC meeting
  • Change in species or strain

    If the impact on the proposed new species/strain is consistent with the species identified in the original application.


    Amendment Type Who can approve Deadline
    All cases unless otherwise specified by UV/AEC Executive None


  • Change in procedure

    Minor modifications to procedures/methodology, including changes in some drug treatments are acceptable as minor amendments. Changes that have:

    • significantly different welfare implications due to a modified method
    • significantly different main aims of the project or the asking of a new scientific question that is different to the original approved application

    may necessitate a new application.


    Amendment Type Who can approve Deadline
    All cases AEC Published deadline for next AEC meeting
    Only if there is a strong case for urgency, or the delay of the amendment would have a direct welfare impact. The case for urgency should be provided in the amendment request in RM. Executive None
  • Adding new personnel / Advising of Personnel Leaving Project

    New staff, students and other investigators need to be added to the list of personnel authorised to work on the approved project before they commence any activity involving animals. The Animal Ethics Committee should also be notified when personnel leave the University and/or are no longer working on the project.


    Amendment Type Who can approve Deadline
    All cases other than addition or removal of a CI Executive None
    Addition or removal of a CI AEC Published deadline for next AEC meeting
  • Other minor amendments

    There are other changes that can be considered as a minor amendment such as, but not limited to:

    • change of location of research;
    • change of animal housing;
    • change of source of animals;
    • refinement in techniques that are beneficial to animal welfare having a lesser impact than the original protocol;
    • refinement in husbandry and animal housing that is beneficial to the animal.


    Amendment Type  Who can approve Deadline
    All cases unless otherwise specified by UV/AEC Executive None

What is not considered a minor amendment request?

  • A change in the main aims of the project or the asking of a new scientific question
  • Significant changes to methods used
  • Change in method involves a difference in welfare outcomes

If the changes to the approved project are not considered to meet the criteria for a minor amendment, then a new application must be submitted for consideration.

Contact us

Animal Ethics team - Research Services



  • Amanda Camporeale