Adelaide Drug Discovery Incubator (ADDI)

The Adelaide Drug Discovery Incubator (ADDI) program supports and connects researchers interested in drug discovery and development research across disciplines and faculties.
Our Vision
Our vision is to connect researchers across the fields of drug discovery and development in an interdisciplinary community to support the drug discovery pipeline and progress translation of pharmaceuticals into commercial assets by upskilling and providing a conduit to project-specific resourcing.
ADDI strives to increase the quality and quantity of inter-disciplinary drug discovery and development projects progressing from the fundamental disease biology, through the creation and refinement of a therapeutic, into manufacture, regulatory trials and the clinic. By taking drug development projects further along the value chain, more intellectual property can be retained, with a focus on translational potential, while also boosting grant success, publications and talent retention. This can be achieved by providing internal capability linkages, process education and translational support, combined with an external collaboration gateway, industry and investment networks and expert advisory guidance, sustained by strong community engagement.
Although our strong interdisciplinary members are the foundation of ADDI, it is more than a community of researchers. The program provides an internal and external gateway for capability matching and project development, as well as expert guidance, education, and engagement with external stakeholders including collaborators, industry, government, and funders/investors.
We offer
ADDI membership offers you access to upcoming events and resources. This includes:
- Capability matching and community support
- Drug discovery and development-specific events
- Training seminars & courses
- Project specific funding (ADDI Seed Funding Grants)
- Medicinal chemistry support
- Guidance towards funding and partnering opportunities
Join us
We look forward to you joining us as a member.
Contact ADDI
Rouven Becker, ADDI Program Manager email: