Research Outputs
The collection of publications data is essential to the University in order to:
- Comply with Open Access Policies for ARC & NHMRC grants
- Assist Planning & Performance and research committees / management
- Supplement the University's Adelaide Research & Scholarship repository
- Provide detailed views of publications in Aurora

ERA and EI discontinued
The ERA/EI submissions have been discontinued as the ARC investigates alternative programs for evaluating research capabilities and measuring research excellence. Please read the full ARC Act 2001 Review for further information. The University will continue to process and store research outputs for internal performance measurement.
There are a number of other factors to consider, listed below, when choosing a publisher that may affect your reputation as an author, and the impact of your research:
Some indicators of a publishing outlet's quality for ERA are as follows:
- The publishing of books is the sole business activity of the publishing company;
- The publishing company is responsible for the production and distribution of books;
- Books released by the publisher are commercially available;
- The publishing company's publication processes include quality control measures such as peer-review, or equivalent in-house quality control, such as expert assessment or review.
Further information
Book chapters
If you are contributing a chapter to a publication you might not have control over who you publish with. It is important however to consider the publication's eligibility for ERA, as well as the impact of the publication.
Journal articles
To be held in high esteem, journal articles should go through an approved peer review process.
Open access journals
Some journals or journal collections are made freely available on the web by the publisher, but charge authors a fee to publish.
Some of these journals can have broad readerships because they are of a high standard and also open access. This can result in high impact factors within their fields so are an attractive alternative to more traditional models.
Other open access journals do not charge a fee to publish or to view. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) contains more than 5000 free and pay-to-publish open access journals to choose from.
Further information
Conference papers
As with a book chapter, a paper submitted to a conference still needs to meet certain criteria for it to be eligible for ERA, and to maximise research impact.
Open access
You may wish to consider making your work available within an open access repository, if it is not already. Making your work freely accessible on the web will increase your readership and help to maximise impact.
If you want to reserve the right to make your work available as open access, make sure your publishing contract does not contain clauses that limit your ability to do so. It is important that you consider the long-term impact of your work and your intellectual property (IP).
Further information
For more information on open access publishing platforms, visit the University Library website:
Unsolicited offers to publish
Researchers are under significant pressure to publish research findings, however any unsolicited approaches by a publisher should be observed with caution. If you are deliberating over an offer to publish from an unsolicited source, it it useful to consider the following:
- Loss of rights: As an author you must be careful not to sign your rights away to a publisher with a poor academic publishing reputation, only to find you no longer have rights to your hard work - especially if that publication is not truly showcasing the quality of your research.
- Loss of reputation: A reputation for publishing in quality publications is as important to a researcher as any remuneration through royalties. Many of the publishers that acquire work through unsolicited means in general do not have robust academic publishing procedures in place.
- Waste of Effort: With little or no peer-review or editing, a work may not be held in high esteem eligible for ERA. As such your publishing efforts may have been wasted, and with your rights taken away you may have lost control of your work; leaving you with little opportunity to republish.
What to look out for:
- Unsolicited emails from a publisher you have not heard of or have had contact with.
- No peer review process or editorial work flow. Any reputable academic publisher will have in place a peer-review process and editorial workflow. This ensures that the work is of a robust academic standard, raising its potential to be eligible for ERA.
- Publishers that do not have a good, or any academic reputation. If you are concerned, it is a good idea to contact Research Services to confirm the publisher’s reputation.
This section contains a list of useful websites related to finding, assessing, and classifying research publications.
Find publications
- Aurora: University of Adelaide Researcher Outputs, Reporting & Analytics.
- Adelaide Research & Scholarship: Adelaide Research & Scholarship (AR&S) is the University of Adelaide's institutional digital repository.
- Google scholar: Search for scholarly literature by author or title.
- Scopus: Search for journal articles by author, year or journal title in this online database of research literature with over 15,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 4,000 publishers.
- Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Current Contents: (formally ISI) Search for journal articles by author, year or journal title in the online database. Coverage includes complete bibliographic information from journal articles.
Bibliographic/publishing directories
- Trove (National Library of Australia) - useful for clarifying bibliographic/meta-data, and with convenient links to third-party websites including Google Books and other online booksellers.
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory - search for journals, those listed "Refereed: Yes" are considered to have met HERDC peer review requirements.
Benchmarking/ranking & performance analysis
- GO8 - benchmarking and statistics (executive dashboard) - provides comparisons between the eight member universities over time for several key indicators of performance.
- SCImago Journal & Country Rank - a portal for global journals ranking, citation indexing, and other scientific indicators - useful resource for academic publishing and in support of grant applications.
Research classification
Research classification codes may be required when submitting grant applications, or used to classify research outputs for collections such as HERDC and ERA.
Read more about research classification codes adopted within Australia.
In accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, researchers are required to acknowledge the University of Adelaide in your publications, as either a sole or co-author. Authors are also required to acknowledge any funding that has enabled the research prior to being published.
About the University's Authorship Policy
The University of Adelaide's Authorship Policy was formally approved by the Vice-Chancellor & President on 14 June 2012. It has been designed to ensure the University's compliance with the principles embodied in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and adopted in the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy.
The Policy outlines the principles for determining authorship, and procedures related to authorship protocols, and dispute resolution.
For further information, please consult the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, in particular:
- Section 4 - Publication and dissemination of research findings
- Section 5 - Authorship